Why Do Dogs Lick Us?

Why do dogs lick us?

Don’t lick me! How many times have you told your dog? But the fact is that, as long as we can try to stop them, they will continue to lick us.

Have you ever thought that maybe there is a reason behind this behavior? In fact it exists, and not just one more!

We are sure that knowing them will please you and will surprise you in part.

Show affection

Just as people hug, kiss, or make any other sweet gesture to show affection to those they love, dogs lick, because that’s the only way they can show their affection.

When we choose our puppy, we want him to be affectionate. So you can’t complain if he licks, as it is one of the most characteristic expressions of affection.

Ask something

redeem a dog

Each dog is different and, although the most characteristic way these dogs ask us for something is by means of short, repeated barking and verse, some of them, to do so, lick.

It may be to ask for just some attention, or maybe to ask for the ball to be thrown, to be given some water or some food, either while you are eating or at any other time.


Dogs also lick to get to know the environment around them and to familiarize themselves with everything around them, so as to feel at home. Also, this action will allow them to immediately recognize the licked object or person the next time they encounter it.


Licking does not always have to be related to happiness, affection or requests. Dogs are sometimes afraid of some people or other dogs. You may have noticed that, despite the fear that your dog reserves for someone or some other dog, he will often lick it.

In these situations, licking symbolizes submission, in an attempt to gain the approval of others.


When dogs lick other dogs, it may also simply be to convey some message to them. It’s like a kind of dialect that integrates canine language.

On the other hand, when they lick a human being it is usually just to say hello. You may have noticed that your dog always licks you when you come home from school or work.

If you prevent him from licking you, the dog may misunderstand you and believe that you do not want to communicate with him and your bond of affection may be affected. You can train him not to lick your face if this bothers you, but you will have to allow him to do it in other parts of the body so that he can express his needs and emotions.


dog prize

Dogs are animals that are able to come into deep contact with other dogs and humans. If you are sad, your dog will be sad too; if you are happy, your dog will wag his tail happy too. Even if you get sick, your dog will feel it and be saddened.

When dogs lick under these circumstances, they try to show their love for you and that they are there with you, to comfort you.

While it is a sign of affection and empathy, it may simply be that they want to heal your wounds. If the dog notices that you have injured yourself in any part of the body, or that you have gotten a wound, he will immediately lick the area to try to relieve the pain and disinfect, show you that he is trying to take care of you and that he is present. if you need it.

In fact, dogs’ saliva can assist in faster wound healing, but in general we advise you not to allow your dog to lick your wounds, as they could cause you some infection.

There is no scientific evidence that proves the reasons why dogs lick us, but observing the behavior of different specimens, we have come to these conclusions.

Maybe the fact that your dog licks you bothers you, but as you have seen, it is a way to communicate with you and to tell you how much they love you.

This is why we advise you to teach your dog not to lick you where you don’t like it, without preventing him from licking you completely. Let yourself be loved!

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