Dogs Can Listen Like No Other

Dogs know how to listen like no other

Have you ever had a friend that you wished would remain silent while you tried to communicate something important to him? Surely. In fact, we think everyone has one. Or maybe there are many of us who behave like this. Everyone likes to be heard, it’s something we need. But it’s hard to find someone who pays attention to us, not just listening to us.

The difference between hearing and listening


Hearing is something less profound than listening, which implies obedience, when necessary, or also prompts us to act and feel deep emotions towards who we are listening to.

For example, you may be caught up in reading when your partner or family member tells you something, wondering what you think. At that point you realize that you have heard the sound of the voice but have not listened, since you have no idea what they are asking you.

To listen, you need to pay attention and, more importantly, have positive feelings. What about your dogs instead? Can they listen to you? Yes, we tell you how we learned about it.

Dogs can listen, but how do they do it?

For sure it will have happened many times that your four-legged friend snatched a smile from you when you needed it most. We have already discussed on several occasions the great ability that our furry friends have to show empathy, but today we will prove to you that dogs also know how to listen.

I remember a time when something related to love happened to me. I got home and my little dog, naturally unaware of the situation, came to meet me jumping like crazy. I didn’t want to make him feel bad by telling him to leave me alone, so I greeted him as if nothing had happened.

However, he followed me all the time, without separating from me and demanding my attention. I took him in my arms, crying, and began to tell him what had happened to me. Suddenly there came a moment when I said to myself: “You are crazy, you are talking to a dog.”

At that moment I watched him and he was there watching me, listening to me with his little head tilted, paying me more attention than any friend could ever reserve for me. But it wasn’t just this that made me understand that dogs know how to listen.

I discovered it when I observed the behavior of my four-legged friend following what has just been told. He began to jump around on himself, took his ball to play with him and “asked” me to take him for a walk. I didn’t feel like any of that, but I had to take on my responsibilities as a “mom”.

Listening involves wanting to do something to help when needed, which is exactly what my dog ​​did. It “forced” me to do something that I had no interest in at the time, but which was actually what I needed. Playing with him and going out for some air made my mind forget the matter for at least a few minutes. That’s when I learned this great truth: dogs know how to listen, like no one else.

Your dog will listen to you because dogs know how to listen

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It doesn’t matter if you scolded him for one of his naughty behaviors or if he got mad at you for not giving him a treat. If you need someone to let off steam with, he’ll be there, ready to make you laugh when you need it.

He will never betray you, nor will he ever deceive you. It is known that for skeptics who are not animal lovers this may seem idiotic, but who has never wanted someone available 24 hours a day, who does not go and tell your secrets to others and who gives you a hand or you. Does it make you laugh when you need it most? All!

Well, no one in this world will do all of this better than your dog. Yes, dogs know how to listen and they do it as a demonstration of fidelity and as a reward for the love that is given to them. Therefore love him and take good care of him, because he deserves all the attention you can give him.

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