Exercises For Recovering Dogs

Exercises for recovering dogs

Dogs need to exercise to burn the calories they ingest, but when it comes to an animal that needs to rest following an illness or injury, it gets complicated. However, if we let our pet stay several weeks without moving and ingest the same amount of food, it is possible that the pet will become obese in no time. What, then, can be done to help recovering dogs? 

Obviously we are not talking about forcing a sick or fractured dog to do heavy exercises, but to do some that can help him in recovery, to prevent his muscles from atrophying.

We are talking, for example, of those dogs forced to stand still due to a healed fracture.

What exercises can recovering dogs do?

Remember these exercises are for dogs with healed fractures.

A dog with a recent fracture, even if in a cast or with the part immobilized, will not be able to achieve them



Have the dog go down the stairs, so that each time he supports a different part of his body. During this movement, therefore, the bones, joints and muscles work. This will help the animal strengthen its bone system and increase its mobility.

The same effect can be achieved by climbing the stairs.


If the dog’s already healed fracture affects the hind legs, a good exercise to do with your pet is to push his paws with your hands and hold them for a moment, then let go so that everything returns to its place.

This will help move and strengthen the animal’s muscles.

Another way to help our pet is to lift his front legs and walk towards us on the hind ones, but without forcing him: let him go at his own pace.

Upper extremities

You can exert the same manual pressure on the spine as we talked about in the previous paragraph. This will allow the muscles and tendons to regain their tone.

Fold the paws

Have the dog lie on the sound side and grab the part where there was the fracture and with your hand begin to bend it gradually increasing in intensity. At first more delicate and, little by little, with more power. It will be an excellent rehabilitation exercise for dogs in a state of convalescence.

Non-physical exercises for recovering dogs


In addition to physical exercises, it is possible to take advantage of the animal’s convalescence to exercise its mind and also to teach it new concepts.

Self control

Use his feed or other food you give him to teach him self-control exercises. Put some food in the closed fist and bring it close to him so that he can smell it. It won’t take long to scratch your hand and push it with your muzzle. Take advantage of this moment to tell him no. As your dog understands that he cannot take food until you give him permission, open your hand, but don’t allow him to eat it.

This will not happen in a single day, but the dog will learn that he must eat when you allow it and not when he wants to.



If your dog already knows how to obey the orders “come”, “leave” or “take it”, you can take advantage of the convalescence phase to teach him others.

For example,  if he can barely move, you could teach him to touch objects, your hands or anything else with his face. The order could be “touch”.

If he does not have great mobility but can walk a little, you could teach him to walk beside you, walk under your legs, or whatever else you can think of.

By making an effort to teach your pet new commands and help him recover, you can achieve fantastic results. Also, for him, it will be a game, so you will keep him busy and he will not feel alone. Everyone will come out winners.

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