Tricks To Handle A Nervous Dog

Tricks for handling a nervous dog

Each dog has its own character and each reacts in its own way to a specific situation. However, if your dog is overly nervous, he is likely to have a behavioral disorder. Nervousness can be due to stress, and tension, as we know, has serious repercussions on the psychophysical health of our pets. In this article we will talk about some tricks that will help you manage and control your dog’s nervousness. 

Most of the time, the nervousness is due to stress. The first thing to do, therefore, is to identify the causes of stress. “Stress” is the medical term that indicates a state of tension that occurs in the body as a response to physical pain, negative stimuli, etc., but it can also derive from a deficient education. In fact, owners often unknowingly reinforce the negative behaviors of their pet. Once you have discovered the cause of the tension and nervousness, you must try to remedy it.

The conditions of the house improved

Many times the problems of stress, tension and nervousness depend on the place where the animal lives. Improving the space of the house, taking care of cleaning, controlling noises  are just a few precautions you need to take to make your dog feel comfortable and relaxed at home. It is your duty to ensure that your pet is comfortable. If your dog feels comfortable indoors, he will easily get used to spending time alone, without suffering from separation anxiety.

However, the environment in which you live is not only “physical”: vibrations also help to relax or make your pet nervous. By this we are not saying that your dog has supernatural powers or some sort of sixth sense, but that he reacts to your emotional state. Don’t forget that screams, gestures and nervous movements only worsen your dog’s mood. 

Exercise is vital

dog-running 1

One thing that increases your dog’s nervousness is frustration, which is not being able to release the accumulated energy. Exercise contributes to your well-being from all points of view. The walks must be long enough; the best thing would be to let it run freely and play with the other animals. A dog that is socialized, with people and with animals, is a calmer and more mentally stable animal.

Remember that your dog needs to know what play space is, but also when it is time. By doing this, you will be able to control his anxiety and when the time comes to throw him the ball, he will feel more energetic and more fulfilled.

Pampering is important


Physical contact is key to creating the owner-dog bond.  Caresses are an infallible remedy for nervousness. Caress his back, ribs, neck,  you will see how the stress level will drop dramatically. When your dog is nervous, he needs to know that he can count on your comforting pampering. Remember that the dog must know that he can rely on you, only in this way can the bond that unites you be strengthened day by day.

Reward his good behavior

One way to reduce anxiety and nervousness is to give your dog a treat every time he behaves well. By doing this, you will let your dog know that you are happy with him. Positive reinforcement (reward) is essential to make him understand which behaviors he should have and which not.

Don’t reinforce negative behavior

Often, and unintentionally, owners reinforce their dog’s negative behaviors. For example, feeding the animal when it is in a state of overexcitement or greeting it warmly when returning home are harmless gestures for the owners, but for the animal they are rewards for its behavior. Unintentionally, you are reinforcing inappropriate behavior. 

Don’t give him drugs

A myriad of advice can be found on the internet on what medications might be given to a nervous dog. Remember that for no reason in the world you can give your pet any medication without first asking your vet for advice. In fact, we often give our pets medicines that we consider harmless, perhaps because of herbal remedies, such as valerian or chamomile, ignoring that there are foods and substances that are dangerous for animals and that can even be lethal.  

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