Why Does My Dog ​​sometimes Not Smell Good?

When we adopt a dog, they tell us not to wash it more than once a month, at most two. However, even if we follow the directions to the letter, a week after the bath, the dog smells again. Because? What is behind the bad smell? In this article we answer these and other questions about dogs.

There are many smells of our dog that can annoy us: his breath, his body odor and even that smell of wet that emanates even when it is not. Let’s see what bad odor depends on and what to do to reduce it.

What is the smell of dogs?

It’s easy to answer this question: Dogs make dogs smell. Even if their smell is different from ours, it doesn’t mean they stink. For our sense of smell perhaps yes, but for theirs it is not so.

Dogs, in fact, have a distinctive smell, which helps them identify themselves as being unique. These smells also allow them to communicate with other animals. This is an important aspect to consider before stating that they don’t smell good.

Dogs’ sense of smell is a thousand times more developed than ours, so this characteristic smell allows them to be identified by other species companions. It is much more intense in the cushions, where the greatest number of pheromones are found.

However, even if some odors released by our dog are normal, there are many others that, at times, can indicate a skin, oral or digestive disease. For this reason, if you believe that your pet’s smell is too strong and exaggerated, we give you some tips to avoid it.

My dog ​​doesn’t smell good, how to avoid it?

Wash and brush

As we said at the beginning of the article,  dogs need to be bathed at least once a month to get rid of strong odors. However, many are unaware that this hygiene routine is incorrect if the dog is not brushed.

Brushing your pet’s fur every day will eliminate the substances and bacteria that adhere to its skin during street walks; in this way, the appearance of bad odors on your dermis will not be favored.

What if it’s the breath that stinks?

We usually take our pets’ oral hygiene for granted, but this is vital for keeping their breath and teeth in good condition.

Your vet will tell you what type of toothpaste and toothbrush to use and the steps to take at home. However, a six-monthly visit to the vet is mandatory to get rid of tartar and treat other problems in your dog’s mouth.


Even though dog skin has its own distinctive smell, this can sometimes be too strong. If so, it could indicate the presence of a disease. It could be fungi or bacteria that, perhaps, are altering the pH of your pet’s skin and leading to worse consequences. If you notice an overly strong odor coming from your pet’s skin, the best thing to do is go to the vet.


Usually, dogs’ ears smell a little stronger than the rest of the body, as it can happen to us. However, when it becomes too intense, noticeable without bringing the nose close to the dog’s ears, it is possible that he has an infection: otitis.

It can be very painful for the animal and even cause other unpleasant consequences. Do not medicate the dog and do not listen to the advice of other owners. Each dog is a world unto itself and diagnosis and treatment must only be done by the veterinarian.


If they smell more than usual, your pet probably has some stomach or digestive problem. Do some tests to eliminate any doubts and preserve your dog’s good health.

As you can see, it is important to pay attention to your pet’s bad smell by learning to know when it is normal or not. In the second case, it is almost always a medical disorder that needs to be treated.  

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