Obie: The Dog Who Teaches Us That Wanting Is Power

Obie: the dog who teaches us that wanting is power

Overweight is a plague that affects millions of people around the world. Putting on tens of pounds is really easy, but losing them is a real odyssey. The story of Obie, the dog who lost 25 kg, can help people who suffer from this disease set themselves this goal and know that “wanting is power “.

We thought that Obie’s story deserves to be told and for this reason we decided to dedicate one of our articles to it. It is very useful and, perhaps, will help many to understand that, with courage and effort, anything can be achieved. 

Obie: the dog that lost 25 kilos

Obie is a Dachshund dog and lives with his owners in Oregon, United States. You may not be able to relate the name of this breed to any dog ​​right now, but what if we told you that Obie is a dachshund?

When it comes to this breed, many people immediately think of this dog in the company of an elderly couple, like that of the cartoon Up , with a fun mix of Irish and American origins, in a cozy house with a garden and fireplace.

Well yes, Obie’s owners are two elderly people who, unfortunately, for some time could not give their pet the active life it would need. In addition to that, due to their poor knowledge of nutrition, they fed it in excess.

They fed Obie as often as he asked, perhaps because they believed the animal was hungry. Apparently, they were completely oblivious to the excessive anxiety dogs feel about food. If we fed them a whole cow, they would eat it.

What is certain is that  Obie’s owners had no bad intentions at all, they certainly did not want the dog to reach the excessive weight he put on  and we want to make it clear that this article is not intended to complain. Obie came to weigh 35 kg, when the ideal weight for this breed should be around 10 kg.

Imagine a dachshund with 25 kg more?  Yes, like a ball, imagine well. There are videos of Obie, the dog who lost 25 kg, in which he is seen having difficulty breathing as he walks and his short paws hardly touch the ground. The situation was worrying.

How did Obie lose 25 pounds?


It all began thanks to a close relative of Obie’s owners. When he saw that the little dog almost had to roll over to be able to move, he alerted the owners. Something had to be done, otherwise the dog would have died of a heart attack.

The owners were alarmed and allowed their relative to take Obie to Portland, where he would be visited by Nora Vanatta. Nora specializes in dogs, has a degree in animal biology and is also a veterinary technician.

Once he had analyzed Obie’s case, he set out to work without hesitation. There was no time to waste! With a therapy based on proper nutrition and exercises, he allowed Obie to lose about 20 kilos in 8 months.

Then it was time to subject Obie to an operation to remove all the excess skin that the extra pounds had formed. This excess skin gave Obie at least two extra pounds. However, they continued the treatment for some time until the dog lost a total of 25 kilos.

We imagine that it was not easy for Obie, the dog who lost 25 kilos, to change his physical activity and eating habits,  but something inside him told him that he had to do it and his willpower, together with the professionalism of Nora, they allowed him to do it.

Today Obie is a happy dog ​​who still lives with her tender owners to whom Nora has given some guidelines on the suitable diet for the dog, which she will have to strictly follow. A story of overcoming that demonstrates a great truth: wanting is power.

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