What To Do To Have A Foster Pet?

What to do to have a pet in foster care?

Due to the large number of abandonments, the availability of space in animal shelters and shelters is very low. To help these structures a little, so-called shelters have sprung up over time. Do you know what they are? Would you like to collaborate, proposing to have a pet in foster care?

What are the refuges?

Shelters are private homes suitable for hosting animals that have been abandoned for a certain period of time, while waiting for them to be found permanent accommodation.

We are talking about the temporary adoption of an animal, until it finds a home or is adopted by a family. If you have enough space to keep one or more of these specimens, this choice is an act of great generosity. On the one hand, it lightens the situation of kennels, on the other it allows you to grant a more familiar place to a living being, even if temporarily.

Sometimes, it can happen that these animals remain with the owners of the shelter forever, if they so wish. Other times, the animal is taken to what will be its new home.

Girl shows book to her dog

In fact, people who decide to open a shelter usually love animals very much. Hosting a dog or cat for a few weeks and then seeing him leave can be very sad. Especially if you can create a special bond with him. This can be an emotional risk. But you must always remember that your help is essential to help the animal settle permanently in a new family.

If you think you can manage this type of situation, then here are a series of tips that will allow you to have a pet in foster care.

What should I do to have a foster pet?

Of course, it is sad to think that you have to say goodbye to a pet that has been keeping you company for some time. But if you stop and think about the fact that you have saved a life, the point of view certainly changes. And don’t forget that, if you wish, you can always ask for the adoption of the animal if you still have time.

In any case, the experience of transforming your home into a refuge is very positive for everyone. You will save a dog or cat from abandonment and contribute to its recovery, having a cute four-legged friend who will fill your days. But there are  three steps we recommend you follow. Let’s see them together:

1. Visit a shelter to understand how it works

This is the first step: getting in touch with an animal shelter or shelter. Volunteering will allow you to get to know the type of work and to become familiar with the animals. This will make you perfectly capable of having a foster pet. Talk to the other volunteers and the managers of the centers, resolve any doubts and, in a short time, you will learn to manage the various situations that this experience entails. Once you have made yourself known, you can participate in foster care programs.

2. Know your obligations and responsibilities

Having a foster pet is not like adopting a pet. For example, food, accessories, vaccines, microchips  and veterinary visits,  all costs will be covered by the association or NGO you contacted .

Girl holds dog's head in her hands

Obviously, however, you will have many other responsibilities, such as offering the animal a clean and spacious home, taking it for a walk at least 3 times a day, feeding it, and taking care of its hygiene. All this without forgetting the most important thing: you will have to give him affection and cuddles, constantly.

3. Documentation required

Volunteers will ask you for some documentation such as an identity card, a telephone number, address and a signed statement acknowledging responsibility for the assignment. In addition, you will most likely be asked to visit your home to verify that the animal will live in an adequate, healthy and clean environment.

Also, if you live with other people or your family, they may ask you personal questions about them, to understand their personality or if they have any disabilities. Do you think that all this information serves to ensure the welfare of animals.

It is not difficult to have a pet in foster care if you collaborate with a shelter or kennel and are willing to take care of them responsibly. Keep in mind that it is an act of great generosity in the fight against the worst enemy of pets: neglect.

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