Running With Your Dog: Benefits

In addition to keeping fit and relieving stress, training with your dog strengthens the bond between owner and pet
Running with your dog: benefits

Do you enjoy physical exercise in the open air? Do you have a dog as a pet? Then you should seriously think about running with your dog.

In this article, we will inform you about the benefits of this business. We are sure you will not regret it! Find out why you should  run with your dog.

Why is running with your dog great exercise?

Running with your dog can be very rewarding. Of course, you need to take certain precautions, follow certain instructions, and make sure both you and your dog are in proper physical condition.

If so, go on an adventure. Most likely at the beginning, as in most cases, you will need to be patient until you reach the desired results.

Keep in mind that, in general, dogs love to run and know how to do it very well, in an absolutely natural way. So know that, after some time to devote to coordination, you will have the ideal partner to share this sport.

People run with dogs

Team up

In addition to keeping fit and relieving stress, running with your dog has other benefits. Eg:

  • You will further strengthen the bond with your pet.
  • You won’t get reprimanded if you get tired halfway or don’t get the desired result.
  • You will find the motivation to go out for a run because your pet loves sharing this activity with you. And he won’t stop waving his tail of joy to prove it.
  • You will feel like forming a great team with your four-legged friend. And who knows… maybe you can even compete.

    Benefits for your partner

    Of course, running will also benefit your pet, since exercise is essential for dogs’ physical and mental health. Take note:

    • His bones and muscles will be strengthened.
    • It will drain the excess energy and therefore will be less anxious and will behave better around the house.
    • It will avoid being overweight and all the problems that this can cause.

    Also remember that you will need to keep the dog well hydrated and use the correct leash (the ideal would be a harness).

    Periodically check and take care of the paw pads and avoid running on surfaces that are too hard or too hot.

    Do not hesitate to consult a professional who can advise you correctly, to face physical activity without problems for you or your pet.

    Master and dog run

    Dog breeds best suited to running

    However, bear in mind that not all dogs will be able to meet this challenge, no matter how hard they want to run with you. Don’t be discouraged.

    So if you are seriously considering running with your dog, keep in mind that there are some breeds that are better suited for their muscle capacity and endurance. Between these:

    • Pitbull
    • Airedale Terrier
    • Alaskan Malmute
    • German Shepherd
    • Golden Retriever
    • Labrador
    • Dalmatian
    • Greyhound
    • Beagle
    • Bracco

    If your four-legged friend is unable to do this activity, remember that there are many other things you can do together. Thus, in addition to taking care of the health of both of you, you will have fun and strengthen the bond of friendship with your adventure companion. What are you waiting for?

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