Very Civilized Dogs

Very civilized dogs

What is meant by the expression “very civilized dogs”? Are we referring to those particularly well-mannered animals, who always behave well and make us look great when we are in the company of other people? Or do we think of dogs dressed in the latest fashion and that don’t even bark at the cost of biting their tongue?

Humanization of companion animals


It is inevitable for humans to feel the desire to transform animals, to make them more like us.  In recent years there has been a lot of talk about this anthropomorphizing trend. Ultimately, considering pets as humans seems to be a sign of our time.

From a psychological point of view we can say that most likely at the basis of this trend there is an atavistic feeling of insecurity of human beings : it is much more reassuring to impose our rules and our norms on everything that surrounds us rather than understanding that there are worlds. different and that we must live together in differences.

Notes on the verb “civilize”

So what does it mean to “civilize”? Here are some definitions offered by the dictionary:

  • To make civil, less rough, in character, in manners, in behavior.
  • Bringing a people to a higher degree of civilization.
  • To acquire a higher degree of civilization.

As you can see, they are all concepts that refer to the human being. It is not possible to civilize, or civilize, animals. So why do we insist on the idea of ​​civilized dogs?

“A dog is hardly human, and I can’t imagine a worse insult to the dog breed than to describe it that way. The dog knows how to do many things that man cannot, never could and never will be able to do. “

-Jhon Holmes-

Should we civilize our dogs?

It is often naively thought that what is good for a person must necessarily also be good for an animal. It is a very common mistake that we make in good faith. Many times, in fact, we unintentionally do harm to our pets. For instance:

  • We make them excessively fat because we give them inappropriate foods: think of how many people give sweets to their pets. 
  • We give our animals human drugs.
  • If we have a small dog, we always carry it in our arms. The animal needs to feel the contact with the world to learn to juggle in the different situations that may arise.

Very civilized and well dressed dogs

The modern world is dominated by aesthetics. The cult of appearance and beauty moves thousands of euros and has even infected the animal world. So that everywhere we see:

  • Fashion clothes and accessories for animals
  • Luxury kennels
  • Beauty treatments and hairstyles for dogs

The question is: does all this interest our dog? Or rather: are we sure that all this is harmless to the animal?

“First it was necessary to civilize man in relation to man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in relation to nature and animals ”. 
-Víctor Hugo-

To each their own world


Many experts warn that many of the behavior and coexistence problems with our pets can be caused, among other things, by our ignorance: often we are not able to know what the animal really needs.

The dog’s behavior is the result of his genetic inheritance, of course, but also of the education that is imparted to him and the experiences he has, especially as a puppy.

Countless times, especially out of ignorance, we tend to attribute to animals concepts and considerations that are valid only for human beings and that are completely useless, or even dangerous, if applied to our four-legged friends. This is where the problems begin.

Live with our furry friends

So let’s go back to the million dollar question: Why is there a need to attribute human characteristics to animals?  Why can’t we accept our dog as such and appreciate him for what he is? If we could correct our way of thinking, we would spare him many behavioral disturbances, caused precisely by our claim to make him be what he is not.

For this reason, if we really love our dog,  we must interpret his language and not try to change his true nature.

Knowing and accepting the differences and similarities that exist between us and our beloved pets will make us more human,  and will help our dog to have a more peaceful life and a healthier coexistence.

Image courtesy of Emdot

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