Types Of Water For The Aquarium

With little space you can recreate a natural environment at home and enjoy a wonderful show. Here are the types of water for the aquarium.
Types of water for the aquarium

Having an aquarium is an interesting hobby practiced by many people. It consists of raising fish and other organisms in a more or less large space, in which the same conditions as free aquatic ecosystems are recreated. If you are fascinated by the idea of ​​having one at home, first you will need to learn all about the different types of aquarium water .

The types of aquarium water to know

There are different types of aquariums, those of salt water and tropical (hot or cold) and those of fresh water (always hot or cold). The type of fish you select for your project will depend on this first choice.

Remember that the aquarium must have conditions that allow to reproduce, as far as possible, the natural environment of the chosen fish, so that they live and grow in a healthy and safe way.

Water conditions

Whether you want to set up a salt or freshwater aquarium, the water must be clean, free of toxic substances that could compromise the health of the fish. The use of tap water is permissible if it is previously treated with chlorinated solutions.

It is very important to check the pH of your aquarium water.  Generally, fish manage to live in alkaline waters, but it is very difficult for them to survive in acidic waters.

We advise you to use the  testers existing on the market today, mainly the pH test (to measure the acidity of the water) and the nitrate test (to measure the level of waste that the aquarium contains).

Aquariums in a shop

Warm tropical and salt water aquariums

If you want to have a salt water aquarium, you will have to buy a very resistant structure, because the salt water is very heavy and dense. The glass must be of excellent quality, to be able to resist for a long time.

The pH for keeping marine fish should be between 8 and 8.3. In addition, it is necessary to incorporate filters into the aquarium, to keep the water clear and to clean them regularly.

The saltwater aquarium also requires a water cooler. This device, while increasing costs, offers the possibility of hosting greater biodiversity. That is not only fish, but also corals and crustaceans of different colors and much more beautiful.

Types of fish for a saltwater aquarium

Specialty shops stock saltwater fish from oceans and seas and, among the most common, you can certainly find clownfish, angelfish and butterflyfish. Beautiful and colorful, these specimens can last for many years if cared for properly. 

You need to make sure that the fish you have chosen share the same eating habits. Even if they have the same needs in terms of temperature, pH of the water and aquarium lighting.

Warm freshwater aquariums

If the choice falls on a freshwater aquarium, you will start with a container of at least 60 liters. Water is the nutrient par excellence, and it will host and make possible the life of countless species.

For a warm water aquarium we need a heating system, which keeps the water at a temperature between 22 and 27 degrees. Guppies, mollys and platys are ideal for this type of aquarium.

Likewise, you will need to make sure that the fish you choose are similar in their habits and characteristics. In doing so, you will avoid possible clashes and fights between different fish.

Cold fresh water aquariums

Generally speaking, these types of aquariums are the easiest to maintain. However, it is essential to include a good filtration system to ensure the quality of the water, and with it the health of the fish.

The ideal temperature for a fresh and cold water aquarium is 18 degrees Celsius. If observing the animal, you notice an unusual low activity of the fish, it means that the temperature has dropped too much.

Ball aquarium with a goldfish inside

Goldfish or Goldfish is one of the most common fish for fresh and cold water aquariums. Its variety of sizes, fin shape and red, white, black, orange colors surely make it an ideal host for your home aquarium project.

Aquatic plants

From an aesthetic point of view, adding aquatic plants is a very important factor, regardless of the type of water you have chosen for the aquarium. Whether it is salt or fresh water, cold or warm, in addition to decorating your aquarium, these seedlings will contribute to the development of useful microorganisms and allow fish to hide and play in their midst.

Benefits of having an aquarium

With little space you can recreate a natural environment at home and enjoy a wonderful show. Without forgetting the therapeutic effects deriving from the observation of an aquarium. The bright colors of the fish and their rhythmic movement in the water convey a deep feeling of peace.

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