DIY Ideas: The Cat’s Bed

DIY ideas: the cat bed

It is true that cats go to sleep  in any place, and above all in the most absurd positions possible, but it would not be bad, however, to offer them the possibility of having a space all to themselves, where they can rest in a peaceful way. It will not be necessary to spend a fortune on cat accessories: in this article we give you some ideas to build the ideal kennel for your cat with your own hands.

Certainly on the internet you can find many proposals to buy a kennel for your cat, but if you want to save a little or you are one of those who appreciate do-it-yourself more, you can try your hand at building a totally handmade cat kennel and unique. The important thing is that your cat has a place to rest and that he can recognize as his own. Take a look at these wonderful proposals:

Cardboard doghouse

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This is a type of kennel that you can build with a minimal budget: it is obvious that the result will largely depend on the effort you put into it.

Take a fairly large cardboard box (or cardboard box), in which your cat can stand comfortably. Then draw a large arch, taking the height of the cat as a reference measure. You can also draw some windows, so that the doghouse is brighter and more ventilated. Keep in mind that the shapes you have drawn will then be cut out.

Once all the elements have been drawn, equip yourself with a cutter and cut out the shapes. Be careful not to damage the box or, even worse, to hurt yourself. When you have finished cutting out the door and any windows, put your old shirt or an old sweater  that you no longer use inside the box . Look for one made of a soft material that does not fray, otherwise your cat’s nails could get caught.

To finish the job, secure and seal the ends of the box well. Decorate as you like and invite your cat to come in, using food or some toys: you will see that, very soon, your friend will come in to take a look.

The doghouse-tire

Have you recently changed the tires of your bicycle and do not know what to do with them? What if you recycled them to make a kennel for your cat?

The first thing you will need to do is wash the tire you want to use very well, preferably immersing it in hot water. When you have washed it, put it aside momentarily.

Now take a thin wooden plank and sand it down. Pay special attention to this step – you don’t want your friend to get injured with a few splinters!  Taking the tire you cleaned earlier as a reference, draw a circle on the axle and cut it out. When you have obtained a wooden disc, attach the tire: you can use an industrial glue, although we advise you to make small holes in both the tire and the axle, with the help of a knife with a point or an awl, and then pass a woolen thread or a cord, with the help of a wool needle, to assemble the two parts.

Then get some material to cover and pad the inside of the tire, for example foam rubber or plush fabric. If you like, you can also cover the bottom of the kennel, even if it is not strictly necessary.

Remember to fix the padding to the wood with a little silicone or another strong glue: this will prevent the upholstery from losing its shape and your kennel will last longer. At this point you can line your structure, covering it with fabric, which you will sew on the sides.

A kennel of old clothes

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Your cat loves anything that smells like you. But don’t get upset: taking possession of your things is just the umpteenth way to mark the territory and express its supremacy.

In this regard, it would not be a bad idea to prepare a kennel made from your old clothes for your furry friend, rolling them into the shape of a salami and then giving them the shape of a big pillow. After, sew it so that it does not come undone and, finally, let your cat climb on it: it will like it for sure.


  • Do not use toxic materials or materials that are  difficult and dangerous to handle.
  • Avoid using  tools that can decompose and generate bacteria.
  • Do not use materials that can fray or where the cat’s nails could get caught.
  • Also avoid your cat’s favorite materials, namely ones she loves to gnaw and scratch.

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