Songs About Dogs: Here Are The 8 Best

The love for these fantastic animals shaped in the compositions of famous artists: the best songs about dogs that you may not yet know.
Songs about dogs: here are the 8 best

Do you know the most beautiful songs about dogs? With their simple and unconditional way of loving us, these animals are a constant source of inspiration for artists as well.

Today we present eight songs about dogs that you may not know yet.

The best songs about dogs

Martha My Dear – The Beatles / Paul McCartney

Martha My Dear is a song that is part of the historic and very famous Beatles White Album, released in 1968.

Music lovers know that it was made entirely by Paul McCartney, but perhaps not everyone knows that it is dedicated to his dog, a bobtail named Martha.

Those who thought it was a declaration of love for a woman will be surprised: the text, in fact, speaks of the special relationship that unites the singer with his four-legged friend.

I Love my Dog – Cat Steven

Known since 1995 as Yusuf Islam, Cat Stevens is the author of one of the sweetest and most famous dog songs.

In it, the English singer tells in a simple and direct way the love for his dog, the best friend he has had since childhood.

The song is part of the first single launched by Cat Steven, in 1966, and the melody is inspired by a song by Yusef Lateef.

Dog with headphones

Seamus – Pink Floyd / David Gilmour

Seamus was Steve Marriot’s beloved collie, David Gilmour’s best friend.

The artist, apparently, was so impressed by the animal that he decided to dedicate a song to the dog, entitled Seamus. But that’s not all: Gilmour also included the grunts of the animal itself in the composition.

The result was recorded in the album Meddle, Pink Floyd’s historic record released in 1971. It is a truly original blues, thanks to the unreleased participation of Seamus.

Unfortunately, the song received harsh criticism from the music industry.

Bron Yr-Aur stomp – Led Zeppelin / Robert Plant

On the famous Led Zeppelin III album, released in 1970, Robert Plant dedicated this song to his four-legged friend Strider.

In the lyrics of the song, the English artist recounts some memorable moments spent in the company of his dog, stating that the friendship that binds them is unparalleled.

Strider’s name also refers to Aragorn, one of the characters in the Lord of the Rings saga. A small tribute to Tolkien’s creatures, which Plant may be a fan of.

Laika – Mecano / Nacho

This song by the Spanish group Mecano pays homage to the unforgettable story of the little dog Laika, the first living being sent into space.

Nacho Cano composed it in the golden age of the 80s, describing Laika as an example of courage and vulnerability at the same time.

Dog in space

Old King – Neil Young

Old King is a country / folk song that Neil Young composed in honor of his dog Elvis.

After the death of his four-legged friend, the artist decided to dedicate this song to him in which he remembers the best moments lived with the animal.

Neil Young, in fact, was so attached to Elvis that he always took him with him, even on his world tours.

Púter – Andrés Lewin

Unknown to the general public, Andrés Lewin was an Argentine singer-songwriter who left us one of the most original songs about dogs.

Púter talks about the complex man / animal duality, through a simple and delicate text.

The song is part of the posthumous album La tristeza de la Via Láctea , launched in March 2006: unfortunately Andrés Lewis died a few months before being able to see the success with which the critics welcomed the disc.

Sometimes I don’t mind – The Suicide Machines

On their third album, released in 2000, Suicide Machine included a song dedicated to a Boston Terrier and the pranks our furry friends often do.

But, as the text says, one cannot be angry in the face of so much tenderness.

Also in this case, the dog participated in the recording of the disc : at the end of the song, in fact, we can hear how he expresses himself to the rhythm of the music.

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