Ideas For Walking The Dog In Autumn

Thanks to the drop in temperatures, dogs do not risk dehydration in autumn even during long walks. But there may be other drawbacks. Here are some tips for walking your dog in the fall.
Ideas for walking the dog in the fall

Depending on the season, pets may need specific attention and care. This article provides some tips and ideas for walking your dog in the fall. Undoubtedly, this is a particular season in terms of climate.

Walking the dog in the fall: aspects to keep in mind

September 21 marks the official start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Until December, nature takes on shades of brown, orange and yellow. Gradually the temperature drops and the hours of sunshine decrease.

Pet owners need to pay close attention to the climate before taking them for a walk. For example, in summer it is a good idea to avoid the central hours of the day, while in winter it is better to try to concentrate longer walks around noon.

Walking the dog in autumn is very pleasant as the temperatures are mild, sometimes it is cool and you can easily dedicate half an hour to physical exercise without worrying about dehydration or cold.

The main problem in autumn is that the walking routine changes quite radically compared to summer, when you often go out for a walk after dinner. In autumn this is not recommended, as it is dark at around 19:00.


Of course, this doesn’t mean postponing your outings until spring, however you need to take some precautions before taking your dog for a walk.

Tips for walking your dog in the fall

Summer and heat are just a memory, but not physical activity and walking. Keep in mind the following tips for walking your dog in the fall:

1. Pay attention to the moulting of the coat

What does shedding have to do with walking? It is actually a much more influential factor than imagined. In this season the dog sheds the finest hairs to replace them with a denser layer that allows him to protect himself from the cold.

If the animal has long hair, many knots are created and it is easier for dried leaves, branches or flowers to stick to the coat during walks. Then, brush your dog several times a week and, upon returning home, make sure the coat is clean.


2. Exercise sessions

In autumn, without the excuse of the heat, you can do more intense physical exercise by taking advantage of the mild climate. This is a great way to avoid the “hibernating” tendency that many mammals experience at this time of year. Furthermore, practicing physical activity with your dog can be very useful for keeping in shape without the need to go to the gym.

What activities can be practiced with the dog at this time of the year? There are a thousand possibilities! For example, walking on hiking trails in the mountains or in the woods, canicross (cross-country running with the dog), bikejoring or agility. You can practice without problems, especially in the central hours of the day.

3. Changes in temperature

The typical autumn temperature changes can increase your dog’s risk of contracting viral diseases. The best way to avoid this is to take the animal to the vet to get it vaccinated.

In this way, thanks to the strengthening of the immune system, getting wet, rolling in the leaves or coming into contact with other animals will not involve any risk.

In addition, we advise you to regulate your dog’s diet so that, on the one hand, the animal eats adequate food for the time of year and, on the other hand, does not gain excess weight during the winter months. Your vet will be able to advise you on the most suitable foods and the correct quantities.

Walking the dog in autumn is a lot of fun: both you and your four-legged friend will like it and will allow you to spend unforgettable moments.

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