Your Dog Will Love You More If He Understands You

Your dog will love you more if he understands you

Understanding between people is difficult at times, and this having at one’s disposal the precious gift of the word. How difficult can it be to understand our dog or make him understand us? Despite this, body language manages to make us communicate with our animal with gestures and movements that are largely understood.

Everyone likes to be close to predictable people whose next action is well known, as this generates peace of mind and makes us feel comfortable. Isn’t it true that you love the people you are better with? Well, even your dog will love you more if he understands you.

How to make your dog understand you

Dog in the arms of the master

“Your dog will love you more if he understands you …” Here’s how we finished the previous paragraph, but how can we make our dog understand us? It is not as easy as it seems, as between us we only have to talk and communicate through words to say what we like and what we don’t or to ask for what we want.

For this, we need to use simple body language that they are able to understand. Eg:

  • The position of the body. It must take a position that inspires confidence. If the stance is stiff, the animal will not feel comfortable and will likely be frightened. If we are too firm, however, he will not want to get close to us.
  • Precise movements. It is important to be very clear with animals. They easily learn gestures that want to say something. Consequently, they must always be the same for the same situations and must be exact and precise.
  • Don’t confuse them . You cannot make a gesture with your hand by raising it and in other similar situations shake it but want the animal to always do the same thing. That does not make sense. The same gestures and movements must be used to avoid confusing the dog and making him feel helpless and awkward.

You also have to play with the dog, pet it, tell it sweet things, cuddle it. They just want to be loved. That’s all.

Since, as we said at the beginning, they don’t talk and they won’t tell us that they love us with words, how are we going to know if our dog loves us?

Yes, your dog understands you, loves you and shows it to you like this

There are small everyday behaviors through which your dog shows you his affection, such as coming to greet you when you walk in the door. But there are also other things, not so daily, through which your dog tells you that he loves you.

Look for your company

Sometimes it can be annoying that our dog even follows us into the bathroom, or that he stays with us on the sofa all the time, but remember that this is one of the ways available to him to show his love.

person caresses dog on the beach

His licks

Yes, we also know how annoying it can be for dogs to lick our feet, face, ears, neck and any other part of the body. Sometimes it focuses on our feet, even if they don’t smell the best, because we’ve been away from home all day. It is something we fail to understand, but it is absolutely a way in which he shows his love to us.

It snuggles up next to you

Sometimes he doesn’t even bother leaving space for you on the bed or sofa, yet you love to hug him and you know he loves being by your side – another simple and beautiful way to tell you he loves you.

Your dog may sometimes seem sweet to you as he does all these things for you, but don’t stop him, because that’s his way of telling you he loves you and, if he understands you, his love for you grows.

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