Adopting A Dog: Pros And Cons

Adopting a dog: pros and cons

When you think of the dog, you immediately think of a pet. A dog, however, is much more than that and there are many reasons why it is worth adopting one. There are exceptions, particular situations in which the presence of a dog in the house is not recommended, for example when a family member suffers from allergy, but in general, in our opinion, the pros outweigh the cons.

A dog enriches our life and with its behavior it teaches us many things: this  is why defining it as a pet is an understatement.

However, before making a decision, let’s see together what the pros and cons can be.

When is it best not to adopt a dog


  • Anyone who tends to get tired of new things early  should carefully consider this decision. It seems obvious, but how many people abandon or give up the dog because they are tired of it?
  • If you do not like the dog to enter the house and you do not have the possibility to build him a comfortable house so that he can stay warm in winter and cool in summer, do not adopt a dog. It would be a form of cruelty: in addition to suffering from a lack of affection, the animal would fall ill more easily.
  • If it bothers you to see hair everywhere, rather than getting nervous with the culprit, forget it. Even though it is a short-haired breed, it will always shed some hair.
  • If you don’t like them disturbing your routine, don’t get a dog. Dogs follow their own schedule: a puppy may cry at three in the morning, or he may decide to lick your face at the crack of dawn. If you don’t know how to accept all this with a good mood, it is better to avoid a dog. Nobody likes to disturb others, not even an animal.
  • Anyone who thinks that a dog is a toy, good for children to play in the summer and then “give away”, forget the idea of ​​adopting a dog. Taking an animal home is a permanent commitment that won’t last for your entire life, but for the rest of their life.
  • Give up the idea if you only like dogs when they are puppies. It would be like wishing for a child because we like children. Puppies, of any species, do not remain so forever.

When to say yes to a dog

We got to the part we like most: the reasons for adopting a dog.

  • It is good company, it is an antidote to sadness and relieves loneliness. From the moment he enters our homes he becomes part of the family, making us feel loved and less alone.
  • It’s good for your health. There are several studies showing that the health of those who have a dog is better than that of those who do not have one.


    • Children grow up better. A dog strengthens their immune system; the child who lives under a glass bell is not exposed to germs and bacteria and his immune defenses are not stimulated enough.
    • It forces us to be responsible people and to move. Taking care of a dog, taking it for a walk or running makes us more active and dynamic people.
    • It fills our life with nice memories. Dogs never stop doing funny things. Raising a dog is not only enjoyable, but also fun.
    • A dog is loyal. Knowing that someone is faithful to us makes us feel special and loved. Who doesn’t like this?
    • It teaches us to be better. When someone has a quality we like, we tend to unconsciously imitate them. Dogs have beautiful virtues and qualities that make us better people.
    • Last reason, but among the most important: because a dog deserves it. He deserves to have someone to care for him, love him, pamper him, protect him, and give him everything he needs. Don’t you agree?

    Because we love dogs, which  often prove to be better than many humans! Let’s say yes to a dog!

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