Your Dog’s Anal Glands

They are two small glands placed next to the anus of dogs that release an oily substance with a very strong and unpleasant smell; they are used by dogs to identify themselves and to know if the animal in front of them is frightened or wants to play
Your dog's anal glands

The anal glands are a key area in a dog’s body as their function is very important, as we will see shortly. Although we often forget to take care of it, it is a delicate area that should not be overlooked.

What are the anal glands and where are they located?

Anal glands in dogs are two small sacs located in the anal region of the animal. Their function is to release an oily substance that smells very similar to that of dog feces. They empty when the animal defecates and must always be empty.

They play an important sensory and bodily communication role through which dogs exchange information with each other. For example, the smell they give off can indicate if the animal is frightened, if it wants to play or if it is in the process of mating.

Sometimes it can happen that the glands fill up with this substance and that the dog, due to some digestive problem, however small it may be, is unable to eliminate it. Well, this will result in pains in the dog’s abdomen area, which could get a fever, stop eating or lose interest in anything.

dog to the vet

As you can see, although they are very small,  the dog’s anal glands can give rise to serious problems. For this, it is important to know them and know how to take care of them.

Where problems can arise

When the dog’s anal glands are full, it is because the animal has lost the natural ability to empty them. In these cases you will begin to notice the animal rubbing its butt on the ground in an attempt to relieve the pain by putting pressure on the area.

Your pet may also start repetitively and intensely licking its anus or chasing its tail obsessively. The only motivation for all of these behaviors is to relieve pain and try to have the glands empty naturally.

This type of dog anal gland problems can be due to poor nutrition or an unbalanced diet. Always keep an eye on what you feed your dog, there may be something his body is unable to assimilate.

sleeping dog

How to fix your dog’s anal gland problems?

When your dog has an accumulation of fluid in the anal glands, they need to be emptied. Doing it is not pleasant at all, but if you don’t want to take it to the vet and you feel like it, you can act directly from home. Here are some tips:

  • Seek advice on how to proceed to an expert. Ask your vet how to empty the glands and don’t do it until you understand all the steps.
  • You both have to be calm. Both you and your dog need to be relaxed and be in a quiet, non-hectic environment. It is absolutely essential given what you are going to do.
  • Locate the glands. The first thing is to try and locate your dog’s anal glands. Do it calmly, without haste and without sudden movements. Talk to the animal as you do this and stroke it so it doesn’t feel intimidated.
  • Once you have identified them and made sure they are full, put on gloves and be prepared to squeeze both sides of the gland, as if it were a blackhead. Do not forget to place a cloth or rag under the animal so as not to stain the surface with the liquid.
  • Caress your friend. If it seemed like an unpleasant thing for you to do, imagine how little your dog may have liked it. For this, he deserves an award. This is crucial.

Always remember that your dog is a living and dependent being: it depends on you. Therefore, any problem of his is your problem, and it is your responsibility to try to solve it.

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