Behavior Of Cats When It Rains

Behavior of cats when it rains

It is common knowledge that most cats don’t like to get wet. In fact, it’s something they avoid as much as possible. This bad relationship is probably the result of the nature of the first felines, who lived in arid areas where the presence of water was very scarce. In this article we will try to understand more by talking about the  behavior of cats when it rains.

Their ancestors, the big cats of Europe, Africa and the Middle East, lived in desert places. The habit of hunting and moving in  such inhospitable habitats certainly also affects the  behavior of cats when it rains . Let’s try to deepen this interesting topic.

Behavior of cats when it rains: why do they fear water?

Cats were first domesticated by humans about 9,500 years ago. This new relationship has further distanced them from any contact with water. Not surprisingly, they began to enter homes especially during cold or rainy days, occupying their place perhaps on the owner’s lap or near the hearth.

Furthermore, throughout history they have always understood water as a source of great dangers. It is the habitat of some predators of their natural environment, such as snakes or crocodiles.

two cats sleep on a desk while it rains

Contradictory feelings

Water causes felines to feel a sense of admiration, curiosity and surprise. But also mistrust and fear. It produces a mixture of attraction and repulsion.

The good news is that cats can get used to water when they are still young. It is important to carry out this process little by little, with patience and if your pet is no more than 6-8 months old.

You could, for example, train your cat in contact with this liquid. Gently bathing it with warm water, as the heat will comfort it. Even without directing the shower or sink jet directly. Better to use a damp cloth and very little water. This progressive and gradual approach will help him prepare psychologically. Choose an opportune moment, a favorable and peaceful environment, in which the only elements present are well-being and calm.

How do cats react to rain?

It is true that most cats squat in a warm, safe place indoors when it rains. It also happens that many of the kittens prefer to go outside when it rains. This way they get used to the water quickly.

Why does your cat go out when it rains?

  • The rain, perhaps, makes him want to relieve himself. In these cases it is better to leave it alone and put up with the fact that it can get wet and make the entrance to the house dirty.
  • When it rains,  the streets are usually a lot more empty and quiet than usual. This scenario, with fewer humans or animals, will allow him to explore the environment more calmly and with less stress .
  • Rain eliminates dirt and bad smells. Cats may be interested in seeing what’s new outside. Do not forget that these animals are very sensitive to odors and perhaps wish to control what has changed in their usual environment.
  • In relation to the previous point, the rain also cancels the territorial markings of the dominant cats. Thanks to the “washing” offered by nature, they will be able to inspect even those places previously forbidden.
  • Rain can be a great ally when it comes to hunting. Small animals usually come out to drink water from puddles that form with rainwater.
  • It should be remembered that the rain attenuates both the smell and the sound emitted by your feline. This greatly facilitates the task of catching new prey.

Kitty looks out window during rain

Behavior of cats in heavy rain: what to do?

Generally, cats look for a warm and safe place inside the house before and during a storm. Among other things, because they tend to be restless and need to relax.

If you know that your cat is afraid of lightning and lightning, you must avoid that the storm catches him outside the house: bring him back and help him find a place that calms him down. If the cat has already found shelter, it is better not to disturb him  and to respect the chosen protection zone.

In these cases, when the cat may also have a phobia of a storm, you owners will need to remain as calm as possible, conveying positive feelings to your pet. In this way, you will avoid passing on further anxiety and stress to the little feline of the house.

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