Loyalty Proof In The Worst Moments: Beggars With Their Dogs

Loyalty proof in the worst moments: beggars with their dogs

Once a dog establishes a relationship with its owner, its loyalty is indestructible.

Unlike humans, dogs do not judge those who fall out of favor or lose their homes. They always show their esteem and loyalty to their masters, even  in the worst moments.

Usually, puppies are animals that inspire a lot of affection and tenderness, and if we see them demonstrate their loyalty and unbreakable bond with their owners, they are even more tender.

And even more they arouse love and give us an example of behavior, if the owner is an inhabitant of the street, that is to say a person who does not have a fixed place to live, who sees himself in the sad situation of spending the nights under a bridge, on a park bench or near a traffic light.

The dogs of these people do not abandon them even in the worst conditions of hunger or cold. They live with them, endure the cold with them, go hungry together. The loyalty of these animals gives comfort, warmth and above all a feeling of not being alone in the world. They are a great example and a lesson in greatness for any human being.

The dog is man’s best friend, and he demonstrates this by loving his owner above all else, regardless of money or his economic situation. Staying with him in any situation, showing him affection and offering him unconditional company.

In this way dogs are a fundamental help for the homeless and not only, they also protect them from the many dangers they encounter living on the street.

There are many stories of companionship and love between beggars and their dogs, but here we present a very moving one, the story of Serafin and Moteado;

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Serafin was an old beggar who wandered the streets of the city. At his side, his faithful squire, a stray dog ​​that responds to the name of Moteado.

Serafin did not ask for money. He always accepted a piece of bread, a banana, a slice of cake, or a lunch cooked with the leftovers of the richest.

When his clothes were reduced to rags, he was always helped by some soul, charitable. He changed his appearance and was the butt of jokes.

Serafin was known as a good man who had lost his reason, his family, his friends, and even his identity. He did not drink alcohol, he was always calm, even if he had not received even a bit of food. He said that God would give him some at the right time, and always when God set it, someone would give him a portion of food.

Serafin respectfully thanked and prayed to God for the person who had helped him. Everything he received or found, he first gave to Moteado, who patiently ate and waited a little longer.

He had nowhere to sleep; wherever he found them they slept at night. When it rained they tried to take shelter under a bridge, and there the beggar stopped to meditate with his gaze lost on the horizon.

That figure always left me thoughtful, because I didn’t understand that vegetative life, without hope and without a future.

One day, under the pretext of offering him some bananas, I went to chat with old Serafin for a while.

I started talking about Moteado, I asked the age of the dog, and this Serafin did not know, he said he had no idea, they met one day when both were on the street, and he told me:

Our friendship started with a piece of bread. He seemed hungry, I offered him some of my snack and he appreciated it by wagging his tail. He hasn’t abandoned me since. He helps me a lot and I thank him for that help whenever I can.

Curious I asked:

How do you help yourself?

-He keeps watch when I sleep, no one can get close, because he barks and attacks. When he sleeps, I stay awake to prevent another dog from disturbing him.

Continuing the conversation, I asked:

-Serafin do you have any wishes for your life?

-Yes he replied- I want to eat a hot dog, one of those that Teresa sells there on the corner.

-Just that? I said-

-Yes, right now that’s just what I want.

-Well, now I’m going to satisfy that great desire.

I walked away and bought Serafin a hot dog. I went back and gave it to him.

He opened his eyes wide, and gave me a smile, as a thank you for the gift and immediately after he took out the sausage, gave it to Moteado and he ate the bread with the sauce.

-I did not understand that gesture of the beggar, as I thought that the sausage was the best part.

I couldn’t help myself and asked curiously:

Why did he give the sausage to Moteado?

With his mouth full he replied:

For the best friend the best part!

And he continued to eat happy and satisfied.

I said goodbye to Serafin, I passed my hand over Moteado’s head and I walked away thinking… I understood that it is nice to have friends. People you can rely on. On the other hand it is beautiful

also be friends with someone and have the satisfaction of being recognized as such.

I will never forget the wisdom of that hermit: “FOR THE BEST FRIEND THE BEST PART!

Author: Inicencio de Jesus Viegas

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In the photos we have shown pictures of what was said in the text. The protagonists of this gallery are people, who in one way or another, are ignored by society and abandoned in everyday life, but for their dogs they are the most important people, and they offer themselves to them as a vital support. Inevitably we realize the sadness and pain that there is in their eyes, but both the owners and the animals are aware that they enjoy the best of company, united in good and bad luck, taking care of each other, to overcome. great difficulties and thanking each other for the company.

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