Beauce’s Shepherd Dog: Origins And Behavior

The Beauce Sheepdog is an imposing, strong, energetic and highly intelligent dog; it is particularly appreciated by women who want a dog that offers protection but at the same time has a sweet temperament.
The Beauce shepherd dog: origins and behavior

The Beauce Sheepdog is a peculiar breed, much better known in its region of origin than in the rest of the world. But while not very widespread, this large, rustic-looking breed is hardworking and is used in many activities.

It takes its name from the rural area of ​​La Beauce, located southwest of Paris, France.

It is an ancient breed, with great traditions in some French regions; however, its primitive history is not known.

The first documents date back to 1560, when his abilities as a shepherd dog and for other rural jobs that required strength and physical endurance were clearly highlighted.

During the Second World War it was used for military operations, such as moving the wounded and detecting mines and explosives, and to deliver encrypted messages to the front. Thanks to his skills, he is currently employed as a police dog.

Until the 19th century there was no breed standard, which included long-haired and short-haired specimens of gray, fawn and black color, without differentiation. Only in the twentieth century did the breed standard determine the physical and anatomical characteristics that identify today ‘s Beauce shepherd dog .

The sociable behavior of the Beauce sheepdog

The Beauce shepherd dog has a balanced and tenacious character; he shows himself reserved with strangers and possessive towards his family and the house: this makes him an excellent watchdog.

He is strong, very active and courageous, as well as intelligent and determined. Usually these dogs are not aggressive at all, and even if they bark at strangers, their behavior reveals a great deal of sweetness.

Beauce Shepherd Seated

He is very tolerant and patient with children, especially if he grew up with them. However, it is good to check the dog often when playing with children and not to leave them alone for long unattended.

His herding dog instincts can lead him to herd children as if they were a herd if he has not been taught well how to behave around them.

Another demonstration of its good character is highlighted in the attitude towards other animals, such as cats, with which it can make friends if used since a puppy. If, on the other hand, he is not used to the presence of other pets, he will tend to chase them, but without hurting them: it is simple curiosity.

They are independent dogs and this leads them to move away when they are sure that there are no dangers, however they always remain alert, carefully observing their surroundings.

Beauce Sheepdog Care and Needs

Although the Beauce Sheepdog loves family life, it is important to remember that he was selected as a working dog. He needs to keep busy and take walks that allow him to harness his energy will be useful for his peace of mind and his physical and mental balance.

He is not a dog suitable for everyone: the ideal for him is country life, with the possibility of spending a lot of time outdoors or, at least, taking long walks to keep him agile and active.

Living in an enclosed environment and being alone for a long time will cause him stress, cause him to try to escape or become sad and anxious.

Beauce shepherd with his tongue out

Beauce’s sheepdog is very intelligent: he learns orders perfectly and understands what the owner expects of him. He constantly challenges himself to carry out the task he has been given with care, so working in the countryside is ideal for him.

This dog requires balanced nutrition. It will be necessary to choose a quality feed based on age and general health conditions.

These are the fundamental aspects to take care of him in the most appropriate way. Avoid rewards outside of training sessions, as these are dogs that tend to put on weight.


All large dogs can be prone to stomach torsion, a fast-onset problem that can be fatal without prompt intervention. Therefore, it is good to inquire about how to identify the symptoms.

This breed is generally in good health, so the things to look out for are the same as for any dog ​​breed of similar physical size. It is essential to keep an eye on the hips, heart rate and eyes.

Paying special attention to the ears and teeth is a priority with dogs of all breeds and sizes, as is the prevention of any allergies and skin problems.

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