Find Out How To Treat Dog Vomiting

Find out how to treat dog vomiting

Vomiting is quite normal in dogs, but when it occurs in excess, it could indicate a health problem.  Knowing how to treat dog vomiting is important to be able to help your pet if he needs it.

Why do dogs vomit?

Before understanding how to help our dog, we need to know the causes and symptoms of vomiting.


Dog vomiting can most often be caused by intestinal parasites. This is an anomaly that must be treated, as otherwise it could cause serious diseases that the animal will carry around for life.

Particular attention must be paid to puppies,  to dogs that have not been subjected to parasite removal and to those who do not enjoy a healthy diet and, therefore, have low defenses.

Metabolic diseases

Any metabolic-related disease, such as a kidney problem, intestinal obstruction, or liver problem, can cause vomiting.

Viral infections

These diseases, such as parvovirus or distemper, produce vomiting in the dog. The most likely dogs are the younger and more immunized ones. For this reason, it is important to vaccinate your pet.


It is possible to see your dog throw up without knowing why, so it could be a food allergy. If you have changed their feed or if you have something to eat that they are not used to, they may be having an allergy that manifests through vomiting.


We use so many chemicals that we sometimes don’t realize the damage they can do to ourselves and those around us, including animals.

Simply the smell could poison the dog and cause him to vomit. You also need to make sure that you keep the products away from your pet and in a place where they have no access.

Other reasons

A tumor, inflammation of the intestines, an ulcer or perhaps a stressful episode can also cause the dog to vomit.

What to do when your dog vomits

Once you’ve identified the causes and figured out which ones are serious and which aren’t, it’s time to take action in case your dog vomits.

These are the steps to follow to treat dog vomiting:

  • Identify if it is vomiting or regurgitation.  It is possible to confuse the two easily, but it is important to distinguish them so as not to act without reason. Regurgitation is a spontaneous act that does not indicate any disease and that, moreover, does not force the stomach, therefore it will not cause damage.
  • Think about the causes.  We have already presented the possible causes for which a dog can vomit. Think about his diet or take him to the vet to prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • Give him some water. Prevent your dog from becoming dehydrated. When vomiting is recurring, he will lose a lot of fluids and this could cause more damage. Give him plenty of water. If you see him panting and notice that his skin is dry, it means that he is starting to dehydrate.
  • Put it in a comfortable place.  Vomiting is a stressful and annoying experience, so taking your pet to a quiet place will help him feel better.
  • Fasting. It goes without saying that if your dog is vomiting, you shouldn’t give him anything to eat for at least 12 hours. If after this time, you feed him and he vomits again, you must take him to the vet.

    These are the guidelines to follow to treat dog vomiting. Watch your pet and look for the possible cause of the problem. Give him enough water and, if you see that it persists after a day, take him to the vet.

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