The Dog Licks Its Mouth: What Are The Reasons?

Dogs communicate using body language. Have you ever wondered why they lick their mouths? It is the sign of various anxieties. 
The dog licks his mouth: what are the reasons?

Have you ever wondered why dogs lick their mouths? What if he was trying to send you a message in this way? If you see a dog licking its mouth, you may think it is simply eating or drooling over something. What if there is no food around? In this case what does it mean?

Licking lips is part of dog communication, meaning these animals use body language to let us know how they feel. Usually the dog licks his mouth in one of the situations that we will see below.

Why the dog licks his mouth

Anticipate that he is about to receive food

The most obvious reason a dog licks his mouth is that he prepares to receive food ; moreover, more saliva usually occurs as a result.

Drooling dog

Send a reconciliation signal

According to professional trainers, a quick flick of a dog’s tongue from the inside to the outside on the lips is typically a sign of reconciliation. Among dog trainers, the phrase “calm signal” refers to mouth licking and similar behaviors.

Dogs that lick their mouths feel stressed or uncomfortable about what’s going on around them. When faced with a situation that they perceive as a threat, they emit a signal of calm to avoid aggression.

An example of this can be seen in dogs being scolded for mischief. In this situation the dog can perceive the owner as a threat and therefore offers a gesture of reconciliation by licking his mouth and looking away. This is how the dog says it is not a threat to the person or animal that behaves aggressively.

Why does a dog lick its mouth? Perhaps out of fear

A fearful dog may lick its mouth. Dogs sometimes exhibit certain gestures, such as licking their lips or yawning, when they feel frustrated or confused. Many owners notice this during training sessions when their dogs have a hard time understanding what they are being taught.

Nausea, physical pain, or oral discomfort

Another possible reason for a dog to lick their mouth is a health problem, such as nausea, dental disease, or pain in the mouth. If your dog is licking his mouth or drooling more than normal, a visit to the vet will help rule out a medical cause behind this behavior.

Dog with tongue out

Look for other signs of illness and closely monitor the animal. He may also experience physical pain or an intestinal disorder.

A dog that licks its mouth may be suffering from anxiety

One study looked at the behavior of dogs after separation from their owners, lasting 30 minutes, two and four hours. The researchers observed that the longer the wait, the more the dog licks his mouth and shakes his body when he reunites with his master.

If the dog licks his mouth during a visit to the vet, or some other place that makes him nervous, he must be redirected in a positive way. For example, we can ask him to execute a command and then reward him. Avoid comforting your dog when he feels uncomfortable, as this will reinforce his fear or anxiety.

Dogs develop cues of calm as a form of communication and to avoid conflicts with each other. Dogs are estimated to possess around thirty calming signals, which they use when interacting with humans and other dogs.

It is important to observe when, how and what causes your dog to lick his mouth, as it can indicate anxiety or stress. Each dog is different, but with a little time and dedication you will be able to read his messages clearly.

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