How To Create A Friendship Between A Dog And A Cat?

How to create a friendship between a dog and a cat?

Dogs and cats are very different animals; cats are independent and do not seek the approval of their owner. Dogs, on the other hand, are calmer and live to please people. How then to create a friendship between two such different creatures? 

A gradual coexistence for a good friendship

It is difficult for a dog and a cat to like each other right away:  they have such a different way of communicating that the attitude of one can be a threat to the other.

This depends on their instincts:  the dog’s natural urge to run and chase could scare the feline. Instead, the latter’s susceptibility can provoke aggression.

It is not true that a specific race is better than another when it comes to creating a friendship between two species. A seemingly peaceful Golden Retriever can become aggressive, and the same happens with cats. Not everyone is as grumpy as you think.

At this point, it’s time to bring the new tenant home and introduce him to your furry friend. How to act in this situation? 

dog and cat sleeping together

  • It is best to keep both animals in separate rooms, at least during the first days of living together. This measure can help them familiarize themselves with each other’s smell without creating any problems.
  • Animals  smell each other to identify, so try  carrying items from room to room to make them smell them. Once this is done for a few days, you can proceed with the introductions.
  • The dog is an energetic animal that can lose its temper in the face of new situations. To avoid this, we recommend that you take him for a walk before introducing him to his new friend.
  • Allow the cat to stay out of the dog’s reach. This will allow him to familiarize himself with the situation and be able to control it. As a preventative measure, cut his nails. Any sudden movement could trigger an unexpected reaction.
  • Keep your dog on a leash. In case he shoots, let him know that he must not do it with a sharp “NO”. He must learn not to be aggressive towards the cat, he must not see him as an enemy, but as a playmate. 

dog and cat on the carpet

Early socialization is the key to success

The environment that has been created around your dog will be essential when you introduce him to other animals or people. The first 12 weeks of life are very important,  as kittens and cats get along well from the first moment.

Given their young age, they will both think the other is a sibling in their own litter to play with. Keep in mind, however, that their differences could cause some problems. For example, a small cat will scratch while playing, while a dog will tend to bite.

Presentation between adults

A puppy’s learning process will be much faster and more flexible than that of an adult. However,  bringing an adult animal into a house where a similar one already lives is not impossible. 

Imagine letting a cat into a house where a dog already lives. The first thing to do is to make sure that the feline has a space of its own that the dog cannot enter. If it’s a small room, like a closet, even better. This will give him security and peace of mind.

After the cat gets used to the environment, go inside with the dog on a leash. Catch the animal in case it behaves like it shouldn’t,  but don’t yell in the presence of the cat, as it will think you are addressing it. When both animals have got used to it, let the cat free to roam the rest of the house.

It’s just a matter of time and patience. Dogs and cats are led by a hierarchy and, ultimately, you are in charge.

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