5 Dog Breeds That Suffer From The Heat

Are you thinking of getting a dog? If you live in a hot summer region, it is best to avoid dog breeds that suffer from the heat.
5 dog breeds that suffer from the heat

There are many reasons why pets resemble humans: for example, they suffer from particular climates just like us. In this article we present some dog breeds that suffer from the heat and experience difficulties over the course of the summer.

Which dogs suffer from the heat?

The arrival of summer does not go unnoticed, not even for pets. Many owners make the mistake of spending more time outdoors with their dogs in hot weather, regardless of how the pet feels.

There are breeds well adapted to tropical climates, but also dogs that suffer from the heat . These specimens need extra care and precautions when temperatures rise, such as shaving their fur, staying close to a source of air conditioning, or getting wet frequently. In this article, we introduce you to some of these breeds.

1. English Bulldog, the dog that suffers the most from the heat of all

One of the problems with brachycephalic breeds is that they have difficulty breathing and suffer a lot from the heat during the summer. The English Bulldog is prone to heat stroke due to the conformation of the skull and the consequent inability to disperse body heat sufficiently.

These dogs must always stay in cool and well-ventilated places, in the shade and with fresh water available. If you are considering adopting a bulldog, keep this in mind if you plan to take them on vacation with you during the summer.

2. Chow Chow

The main problem with these lion-like, blue-tongued dogs is the large amount of fur. Furthermore, as they originate from very cold areas, they also have a double layer of grease that acts as a thermal insulator. As a result, these dogs suffer terribly from the heat, even when properly bathed and brushed.

chow chow

Often the Chow Chow is shorn during the summer, even if this can involve potential risks for its health : in fact, in case of exposure to the sun, the dog will not be able to reduce its body temperature and will risk even serious burns. For this reason, we recommend that you mow the Chow Chow, but also make sure to always keep it in the shade and with plenty of water available throughout the summer season.

3. Pekingese

This breed suffers from both problems of the previous two breeds. In fact, even the Pekingese are brachycephalic, with a flattened nose, therefore they have difficulty breathing and in addition they have a very thick hair that tends not to thin out with the arrival of the hot season.

Pekingese dog

The best way to ensure that the Pekingese does not get heat stroke is to avoid taking him for a walk in the middle of the day, not even for short walks because this could cause heart problems, even fatal. Furthermore, the dog must remain in the shade in poorly lit environments, especially during the hottest hours.

4. Bernese Mountain Dog

It is a large dog native to the Swiss Alps, which suffers particularly from the heat due to its thick coat. It is, in fact, a breed selected to control the herds of sheep and goats grazing on the snow, therefore it suffers a lot from the heat outside its natural habitat.

Bernese Mountain Dog

In general, it is not recommended to breed dog breeds with long and thick hair, such as the Bernese Mountain Dog or the Saint Bernard, in environments with high temperatures: in fact, even the hair is completely shaved, these specimens are equipped with a layer of fat that does not allow them to cool off adequately.

5. Volpino di Pomerania

The last breed we will look at is from Poland, although its ancestors are originally from Finland. Small in size, the pomeranian has a considerable amount of hair, including a kind of mane, so it prefers to sleep on cool surfaces even in the dead of winter.

dogs that suffer from the heat

It is a sensitive skin breed that easily suffers from dermatitis and eczema. These complaints can occur easily if the dog is exposed to the sun or when owners try to cool him by bathing him frequently.

Other dogs that suffer from high temperatures include the staffordshire bull terrier, boxer, pug, Shih Tzu, and Cavalier King Charles spaniel.

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