A Dog Saves Her Puppies From A Flood

A dog saves her puppies from a flood

India is renowned for the countless floods that often lead many of its inhabitants to abandon their homes, sometimes even losing everything they own, no matter how little it is. Why are we telling you this? Because our story today took place in India, to be precise in the city of Chennai, in the southern area of ​​the region.

The maternal instinct of dogs

honey-colored puppy

It is not uncommon to read in the newspapers about mothers abandoning or even killing their children. These are such incredible events that a sense of anger and helplessness awakens in us. This is why when news like today’s comes to light, it can only confirm the fact that animals are better than many people.

In this case better than many mothers, if that is how those heartless beings who kill or abandon their babies can be defined.

The flood

When it began to rain in Channai, the inhabitants, both humans and animals, could not imagine that their lives would soon be in great danger. It only took a few minutes to drop enough water to prevent many from escaping to safety.

Some have tried to fight the current, others have fought for their lives by clinging to what they found, still others have appealed to their God not to allow the water to reach the platforms on which they had climbed.

This was precisely the situation of the dog protagonist of this story, who ended up on a kind of platform made from garbage. But she wasn’t alone, her three puppies were with her. Could he have abandoned his puppies alone? What do you believe?

The love of animals in all its glory

The mountain of garbage slowly began to shrink, forcing the dog to take action to find a solution. Of course he had no intention of leaving his little ones there, and for this reason he put in place a plan to save them: take the puppies by the neck one by one and carry them to the opposite shore.

As the water level rose more and more, the bitch swam quickly to secure one of the pups. What did he do next? Do you think she’s gone? Absolutely! She went back to retrieve another of her little ones, and after leaving him on dry land she went back to get the last one. Who ever said dogs have no memory and no feelings?

If that were true, after saving the first puppy, the dog would have quietly forgotten about the other two. But it didn’t happen that way. If the dogs did not feel, this mother would not have looked after her puppies but would have only saved her life.

The example of self-denial and sacrifice that this mother gave us is truly exemplary.

The news comes from here

dog on the lawn

Ahmer Khan, a Hindu boy who was at the site of the flood and who seems to have escaped to safety in an elevated point (as can be seen from the perspective from which the video was shot), filmed everything with his camera. His eyes were filled with disbelief at what was happening. A dog who rescues her puppies in these dramatic circumstances!

How could he not have captured such a moment? He then uploaded the video to Youtube, obtaining great visibility in a few hours. The most absurd aspect of all this lies in the fact that although man never ceases to be amazed by the love of animals, he is the first to fail to demonstrate his own.

We are fascinated by such feats, but we are not able to lend a hand to those who have punctured a wheel on the street. Isn’t it that perhaps we are content to “clean up” our conscience by being moved in front of this type of video?

If so, the story of this little dog who saved her puppies, as well as many other stories of animals behaving like heroes, show us that love is stronger than power.

We will never tire of saying: we learn from animals.

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