A Young Man Risked His Life To Save A Dog

A young man risked his life to save a dog

In an age where news of organizations stealing animals and organizing dog fights abound, it  is comforting to know that there are people who are capable of risking their lives to save them. The story we are going to tell you about today happened in Peru during the recent flood that hit the country.

Here’s how a young man managed to save a dog from flooding

The incident happened in the Punta Negra area, a coastal town located south of Lima. A dog had been dragged by the waters of the Huaycolor and Rímac rivers. 

When he realized the situation, a boy threw himself into the debris to reach him.

With difficulty,  the man reached the seashore. Here was the tired and weary dog. She picked him up and carried him to safe ground. This heroic act took place in front of the approval of some residents who witnessed the rescue.

An anonymous hero saved a dog from certain death

Already a group of rescuers had tried to save the dog. But the animal, certainly out of fear, has moved further away. It was thought he had no more hope.

It was then that the boy intervened. Without thinking about the risks he could take, he managed to save him.

The images of the rescue were taken by a local channel that was giving the news of this natural catastrophe that has hit the Andean country. Here is the video of the rescue.

Animals, silent victims of various natural disasters

Since January, the phenomenon known as coastal Niño has been affecting Peru and Ecuador. In the Peruvian territory, rains, floods and floods have occurred mainly in the north and central areas of the country.

At the end of March, 98 victims were counted, almost 900,000 injured, and great losses to agriculture and livestock.

However,  in the statistics made to describe natural disasters or the damage caused by a war, animals turn out to be the invisible victims. This is why it is important to tell the story of these rescues.

Stories of animals and earthquakes

In our blog we believe that stories about animals in the midst of tragedies are important to disclose. Below we will talk about some events that occurred during the recent earthquakes in Italy and Ecuador.

  • Animals that survived for days under the rubble until they found them.
  • A dog who did not want to leave the coffin of his master who died due to the earthquake.
  • Another who did not want to leave his destroyed house.

    It is important to underline the work of the various associations that have dealt with rescuing abandoned, injured animals that wandered disoriented through the streets.

    Other “heroes” to remember

    In addition to the Peruvian hero, here is a list of people who have risked their lives to save animals:

    • The Iranian soldier who lost his leg to rescue a dog trapped in the barbed wire that bordered a minefield.
    • The young Englishwoman who threw herself into a frozen lake to save a dog that had ended up in it due to the breaking of the ice that covered the waters.
    • People who break car windows to save animals that are dying of heat stroke. Or that they help those who are mistreated by their masters.

    Then there are the stories of cats or dogs helping humans in many ways. But we will talk about these in the next articles. 

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