An Exclusive Restaurant: Only For Dogs

An exclusive restaurant: only for dogs

The BARF method aims to bring animals back to an original diet. The name stands for “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food” and that is exactly what it promotes: raw food suitable for our pets who now, in Germany, have a tailor-made restaurant.

Peter-Joachim Gitz-Mombauer has become an expert on the BARF method out of necessity, since he discovered that his little dog is intolerant to dog food, kibble or cans. This gave him the idea of ​​opening a butcher-restaurant for exclusive customers: only dogs. In his restaurant, only raw food is served and of course reserved for four-legged friends.

How did the idea of ​​the restaurant with the BARF method come about?

German shepherd dog

During a visit to the kennel, Peter met Lili, a dog who immediately stole his heart. The man could not resist the urge to take her home, but the first difficulties appeared immediately. Lili often got sick for no apparent reason.

Eventually, a veterinary friend advised Peter to feed her dog raw food. To the man it seemed a foolish idea, but he followed the advice anyway. Lili had a sudden improvement. Peter began to learn more about the BARF method and eventually his knowledge prompted him to set up his own butcher-restaurant.

Peter is aware that the BARF method saved his Lili’s life and threw himself headlong into the project, quitting his job as a nurse.

This idea was born several years ago in the United States and for at least ten years it has also been accepted in Germany.

Satisfied customers

We are generally very careful about the food we give to our dogs. In Peter’s restaurant you know exactly what they serve in the bowl. This makes customers feel calmer when they repay Peter with their loyalty.

Is the raw diet beneficial?

Many are reluctant to feed their dog raw food, but Lili’s case has shown that this diet can be very beneficial. Not only did it help the animal to fight its allergies, but also to keep its weight under control.

Raw foods contain all the nutrients needed by animals; you just need to know in what quantities to administer them and how many times a day.

Peter is totally convinced of the benefits of the BARF diet. His restaurant is currently unique in all of Germany, but the method is gaining more and more support among dog owners.

How does Peter prepare the meat?

To give us an idea of ​​what the type of meat he sells in his butcher’s shop looks like, Peter told us how he prepares it.


“All I do is cook the meat without salt, additives or spices. There are many dogs that have intolerances to some of these products. I cook it with water and accompany it with rice, pasta or vegetables ”.

In addition, Peter learned how to calculate the quantities of food each dog needs. A dog weighing around 30 pounds should take 500 grams of this food twice a day. On half a kilo, three ounces will be of meat, one of vegetables and one of carbohydrates.

For large breed dogs, Peter recommends adding a teaspoon of oil with nutrients, such as olive, sunflower, canola or even fish oil.

Despite the doubts, more and more people around the world are starting to be in favor of this way of feeding the dog. Who knows if we will soon see restaurants or shops like that open in our cities too. And you, would you try the BARF method on your dog?

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