Are There Allergy Tests For Dogs?

Are there allergy tests for dogs?

Not only humans suffer from allergies. Indeed, the growing incidence also in pets has made it necessary to adopt countermeasures. For example, in the research and development of new and more effective allergy tests for dogs.

While in men and women, the allergic response is very evident, in dogs it is much more complicated to interpret and verify the presence of a discomfort or an intolerance. Of course, it must be said that, if you have a pet, you will need to be good at noticing any changes in the dog’s behavior or appearance, so that you can intervene immediately and overcome the problem.

Therefore, when the dog has some physical or temperamental alteration, it is important to go to the vet immediately, without ever trying to resort to self- medication or do-it-yourself remedies .

How do dog allergy tests work?

The main function of the immune system is to fight different microorganisms and to preserve the balance of the organism . Sometimes, this process generates an acute reaction that causes rather annoying symptoms. Allergy is basically the dog’s body’s response to an external intrusion.

sad sick white dog

It is customary to talk more about allergies in humans. But pets often suffer from allergic ailments too. The number of cases in dogs is estimated to be equal to or greater than in humans. Therefore, it is important to know what dog allergy tests are and how they work.

What can cause the allergic process?

The allergic reaction occurs  when the body comes into contact with an agent that causes the disorder, called, for this reason, an allergen. Absorption can occur through contact with the skin, ingestion of a food, inhalation or insect bite. There are many substances and organisms that can cause discomfort. The type of allergy and its characteristics vary exactly according to the allergen that triggers the reaction.

Frequent allergy types and dog allergy tests

Food allergy

A huge number of dogs have allergic reactions to certain food compounds. It is estimated that the number of undiagnosed cases is double that of those diagnosed. The most common symptoms are: irritation and itching of the skin and digestive disorders, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Treatment consists of adapting the diet to allergic dogs. Your vet will recommend a hypoallergenic food based on the size, breed and specific characteristics of each individual.

Allergy to flea bites (DAPP)

Flea bite allergy essentially consists of dermatitis. That is, an allergic and inflammatory reaction that affects the skin. It derives from the reaction to some components of the saliva of this external parasite.

The main symptoms are itching and  gradual hair loss where the bite occurred. It can spread anywhere on the animal’s skin, but is more common on the back. The treatment is carried out by eliminating the fleas of the animal and also of the environment in which it lives. The vet will also help you choose the right product, indicating the appropriate dose.

Allergy to environmental substances (alopecia)

Dogs can exhibit allergic processes to natural components of the environment. Pollen is usually the main agent, followed by other dust and molds. Any dog ​​can develop sensitivity to these substances. Some breeds are more sensitive to this type of allergy: English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pug and Shar Pei ( Molosser dogs ).

The most notable symptoms are intense itching and redness of the skin. Treatment consists of relieving skin inflammation and avoiding exposure to allergens.

There are also some specific conditions of each dog’s organism that can make it more susceptible to allergic processes. L ‘ immunosuppression, hormonal disorders and other autoimmune diseases may make the animal more vulnerable.

Types of dog allergy tests

It is difficult to diagnose allergies, distinguish them and treat them arbitrarily. Dog allergy tests are essential for knowing what your dog is suffering from and  what to do  to get it to heal.

dog sleeping in the sun

Symptoms, at first, can be confused with normal discomfort. In most cases, the allergy is diagnosed late, when the reactions are now very evident. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out allergy tests on dogs in a preventive manner.

Before each test, the veterinarian should check your pet, to rule out other possible origins of the organic alterations. Next, 3 types of tests are performed :

Elimination diet

It is a basic and very effective test, as food allergy is the most frequent and easy to diagnose in dogs. It consists in limiting the animal’s diet by offering only a hypoallergenic diet.

Intradermal tests

They are the most traditional tests, both on humans and on pets. It consists of exposing the body to various controlled allergens by means of subcutaneous injections. The reactions of the animal are observed to establish the cause and establish the appropriate treatment.

Blood test

It is a much more convenient method than injections. It is based on the detection of antibodies present in the animal’s bloodstream.

Source of main image: kaelin

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