Become A Dog Sitter With 5 Useful Tips

One of the tricks to becoming a great dog sitter is to treat dogs as if they were members of your own family.
Become a dog sitter with 5 useful tips

Do you like animals? Do you love and respect them? If so, have you ever considered becoming a dog sitter? It could be a way to work, full time or part time, while enjoying your great passion for pets.

Below we present 5 tips to become a dog sitter and perform this profession in the best possible way.

5 tips for becoming a dog sitter

Having emerged in recent years as an alternative to temporary boarding houses where pets are often locked up in cages or enclosures, the dog sitter business is gaining more and more popularity.

If you think about it, in fact, it is always better to leave your animals in the care of someone who pays them the attention they deserve when we have to be absent for the most diverse reasons (work commitments, holidays, etc. If you have taken into consideration the idea of ​​doing this job, here are 5 tips to become a dog sitter.

1. Convey peace of mind and security

A good dog sitter brings the pet to his home. This ensures assistance in a familiar environment and conveys the peace of mind and safety that the dog needs, as he is trying to get used to the presence of a potential stranger. In addition, accidents or unforeseen events can be avoided at home.

The ideal would be to organize a previous meeting between the dog sitter, the owner and the dog in order to get to know each other in person. The dog sitter will need to convey the trust necessary to ensure that everything will be fine with the pet in the absence of the owner. A meeting will also serve to make friends with the dog and find out if they are happy together.

Dog with dog sitting

2. Treat the dog as if it were your own

It is very important that the dog you are taking care of feels at home, or almost; for which it is essential:

  • Welcome him in a comfortable and clean space.
  • Pamper him.
  • Do not alter his eating and walking routine.
  • Be alert for any changes that could indicate a health problem.
  • Playing together.
  • Don’t leave him alone for too long.
  • Make sure he can’t escape.
  • Take precautions if there are other pets in the house that you may not get along with.

3. To become a dog sitter you must show empathy towards the needs of the dog

We advise you to ask the owner for all the necessary information on the character of the dog you will take care of to make sure there are no unexpected events. Find out all about his eating habits, meal and walk routines, exercises and games. Also check that he is trained to obey certain orders and find out which are his favorite toys.

It is essential to know if you need to pay particular attention to your health, if you are taking any medications and who your trusted vet is. Finally, find out about the nearest 24-hour veterinary emergency service, just so you don’t get caught unprepared.

Happy dog ​​sitter stroking a Newfoundland

4. Use social networks and applications

Today, using social networks and online applications is a great way to make yourself known. You could create a personalized web page to promote your availability as a dog sitter.

We also advise you to register on the major sites that offer dog sitting services to arouse a greater sense of security and trust in those who intend to hire you, but also to reach more people.

You can also use these means to stay in touch with the owners of the dogs you are caring for. This way, you can send messages, photos or videos of their pet and keep them informed about what you are doing together. Of course, you can also ask them questions if needed.

5. Guarantee extra services

To make your proposal more attractive, you can also offer extra services, such as:

  • Bathroom and toilet.
  • Work out.
  • Special walks in the countryside or on the beach.
  • Specific sports for dogs.

What are you waiting for to become a dog sitter?

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