Bones To Dogs: Are They Really Good?

Bones to dogs: are they really good?

In the collective imagination when we think of the dog, we put it in relation to the bones. Although dogs seem to love this food, opinions from experts are quite mixed. For this reason today we want to talk about the bones given to dogs and find out if they are good or bad.

One of the most frequent questions that dog owners ask the vet is whether or not it is advisable to give them the bones. In fact, people often believe that bones are a healthy food, especially due to the preconceived image we were talking about at the beginning of this article.

However, many vets condemn this habit.

While recognizing that dogs love to munch on bones, veterinarians consider that giving the bones to their dog voluntarily is an act of absolute irresponsibility on the part of the owner.

The criticism of doctors aims to warn of the dangers that arise from the persistent consumption of the bones.

It is no coincidence that veterinary emergencies often have to do with the ingestion of bones. Think for example of  intestinal bleeding or gastroenteritis. Not only that, your dog could also be the victim of intestinal perforation, which in turn can lead to lethal fulminant peritonitis, or asphyxiation. 

Given the severity of the consequences of bone ingestion, veterinarians believe it is completely useless to take these risks.

But the opinions are not unanimous. Other doctors defend the consumption of bones as a source of protein and put forward the explanation that if the dog were a wild animal in the wild, it would get food for itself and devour the flesh and bones of its prey.

In any case,  both the detractors and the defenders of the consumption of bones by the dog agree on the fact that it is necessary to make a selection of the bones that are administered to the dog.

We must avoid giving the dog small and pointed bones, such as those of chicken or fish bones : they are the fragments that can cause the diseases we talked about earlier.


Buffalo skin bones


A healthy and harmless alternative to normal bone are buffalo skin bones. This is a good idea because it helps keep your dog’s teeth clean among other things.

However, some doctors advise against giving these types of bones to dogs, especially small ones. In smaller dogs, which therefore have a shorter intestine, the skin tends to adhere to the intestinal walls causing painful obstructions.

We advise you not to overdo it with buffalo skin bones. You can use them as rewards at most once a week. Remember that there are hundreds of ways to entertain your dog or train him.

Wholemeal biscuits and snacks


On the market you can find a wide variety of specific products for your dog’s teeth, gums or intestines. Among these we find delicious wholemeal biscuits, with a high fiber content, which nourish and entertain your dog.

Moreover, thanks to the high fiber content, they guarantee a correct functioning of the digestive system.

These are low-fat snacks that you can give to yours several times in a day. They are therefore perfect as rewards during training.

In short, you have to look for a product that brings together what the dog likes and what is good for him. Only in this way can you pamper your dog without jeopardizing his health.

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