Can The Sunbathing Be Kept In An Aquarium?

This curious animal, capable of living up to three decades in captivity, has the ability to regenerate its tail, limbs and gills.
Can the sunbathing be kept in an aquarium?

The assolotto is a unique and fascinating animal. For those looking for something different for their aquarium, this peculiar species may be an option. However, many people wonder if it is possible to keep the sunbathing in an aquarium.

It is advisable to inquire about the care he needs and to provide him with a suitable aquarium. It is important to learn how to properly take care of these animals, with their particular shape and extraordinary characteristics. Let’s see together if you can keep the sunflower in an aquarium.

Habitat and characteristics of the solotto

The axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicamun ) is native to the Xochimilco and Chalco lakes in Mexico. It has the rare ability to regenerate the gills, tail, and even limbs. In addition, it can live up to 30 years in captivity.

This amphibian is very similar to the salamander and is popularly known as a fish with legs. It really looks like a tadpole with legs and tail, with a sturdy, broad and flat head.

The solotto can reach a length of 30 centimeters and has four legs with rather thin fingers without nails. It has three pairs of gills at the base of the head, which allow it to breathe. In wildlife this amphibian can be found in brown or pink colors.

Mexican assolotto
In captivity, absolutes are generally gray, green, orange and white with black eyes. Their skin is smooth and they remain larval, retain gills and never develop eyelids. For this reason, it is also called the neotenic salamander, as it completes its entire life cycle at the stage of a larva.

How to prepare an aquarium for sunbathing

If you have decided to have an absolut as a pet, you should consider the following guidelines:

  • A large aquarium is needed, measuring between 70 and 100 centimeters, with a depth of about 15 centimeters.
  • For oxygen, an aerator is not required, but a carbon filter capable of removing nitrogen residues.
  • The water should remain very clean and at an approximate temperature of 20 ° C. It is recommended to change it every 10 to 15 days.
  • It is good to place some aquatic plants to generate shade for the sunbathing and to make it swim among them.
  • It is also recommended to place plants or ornaments in the center of the aquarium so that it can swim around them.
  • Lighting must be dim and cold and adequate water temperature must be maintained.

Tips for keeping the sunbath in an aquarium

Although captive care of the solotto is relatively simple, it is important to consider a few aspects to ensure its long-term health.

One of these parameters is the water temperature. Absolutes are cold water animals, below 70 ° F is ideal. Therefore, they can be stressed by high temperatures. In practice, the warmer the water, the less oxygen it contains.

Another important aspect is the substrate. Aquariums with sand substrates are ideal for undertones. Don’t forget that, in addition to swimming, they love to walk on the bottom.

You can keep the sunbath in an aquarium
As for compatibility with other fish, it is preferable to keep these amphibians alone in the aquarium. The external gills and their slow nature make them easy prey for other fish.

On the other hand, absolutes have nocturnal habits and can attack other sleeping fish. In this sense, it is almost impossible to find an aquarium companion for an absolutist. It is preferable to mix only specimens of similar size and in a suitable space.

Also, although they are very hardy animals, it is necessary to avoid heatstroke and expose them to direct sunlight.

Other curiosities about the assolotto

This species native to Mexico differs from salamanders and newts because it lives in water. The absolutes can go out and walk on land, but they prefer to stay on the bottom of the lakes. These are its characteristics:

  • It is a solitary and elusive animal.
  • It reproduces annually by laying between 500 and 1,200 eggs.
  • It is carnivorous, so it must be fed with proteins of animal origin. Since he has no teeth, his diet must contain: earthworms and water, small fish, mosquito larvae. You can give them pieces of chicken, cow or fish.
  • They should be fed two to four times a week.
  • It easily reproduces in captivity.

Since 2006, the ass has been declared a species at high risk of extinction, due to the contamination of the waters of Lake Xochimilco and indiscriminate fishing.

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