Cat Cake Recipes

Cupcake recipes for cats

Cats are greedy by nature and are always attentive to everything that falls on the ground, to go and get it. To keep your furry friend satisfied with something that won’t hurt him, here are some cat cake recipes .

Homemade cupcake recipes for cats

Cats like a lot of foods, and here are the ones you can use to make these recipes:

Sea pie

If there is one food that cats like, it is definitely fish: why not surprise your pet with a wonderful seafood pie? To do this, you will need:

  • 6 tablespoons of wholemeal flour
  • Mussels
  • 3 raw eggs
  • Peeled scampi
  • Grated cheese
  • Squid

Before starting, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.  Put the prawns, squid, mussels, cheese, flour and beaten eggs in a bowl.

Cat with tartlet at the table

Keep some mussels to decorate the cake at the end. Once everything is mixed, pour it into a mold and cook in the oven for 15 minutes. Do not add salt to any ingredients. Let it cool and serve it to your cat: he will love it.

Tuna pie

If you’re making this pie with canned tuna instead of fresh,  make sure it’s plain and low in sodium. Remember that oil and salt are not good for your feline. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Three cans of tuna
  • Three eggs
  • Light mozzarella
  • Catnip
  • Scampi
  • Half a glass of flour

Put the tuna, previously beaten eggs and mozzarella in a bowl. You can make all this a unique pasta. Add the flour little by little while mixing, to avoid lumps, and the catnip along with the scampi.

Bake everything, after having preheated the oven to 200 degrees. Cook for 15 minutes. Let it  cool down and delight your cat’s palate with this pie.

Cat with cupcake with candle

Salmon pie

Salmon is another ingredient cats love. This cake can be ideal for a special occasion, such as a birthday. If you do this with fresh salmon, make sure it has no bones. Another option would be smoked salmon, which requires less work. You will need:

  • Salmon
  • 3 or 4 tablespoons of grated cheese or Parmesan
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 egg

Chop the salmon, add the beaten egg  and also the flour. Once you have a uniform mass without lumps, put the cheese and bake everything at a temperature of 180 degrees. Let it cook for 15-20 minutes, depending on the power of your oven.

Decorate the cake with snacks or catnip, so that the surprise is even more pleasant. If you are celebrating your cat’s birthday,  don’t forget to put a candle on it. 

Our felines give us so much happiness that they deserve some whim every now and then, don’t you think? These cupcakes make a great gift!

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