Celiac Disease In Dogs And Gluten-free Dog Food

Celiac disease in dogs and gluten-free dog food

Celiac disease in dogs is proof that this beautiful animal unfortunately suffers from diseases similar to human ones. Even your best friend, therefore, can be allergic to gluten. Nevertheless, feed and baby food designed for dogs suffering from this problem have been on the market for some time.

An anomaly which, however, is not at all new for canids. Once the presence of the disease has been verified, the first few times may be difficult to find the right foods to ensure proper nutrition. This difficulty is due to the fact that most cookies or treats are made from corn and wheat.

So let’s see what it means to have a dog suffering from celiac disease and what should be done to guarantee him a normal and fulfilling life.

Celiac disease in dogs: the effects of gluten

Celiac disease in dogs, gluten-free dog food exists

Let’s start by saying that it is never easy to realize that your pet is celiac. Although it is a known disease, in many countries it is still not addressed with due care. The only way to be able to understand and intervene on celiac disease in dogs is to check for specific symptoms. An attentive owner will know how to distinguish them and will be able to intervene quickly.

Everything has its origin, as mentioned, from a food intolerance to gluten. An element present in large quantities in various types of wheat, barley, rye, corn and oats (in less quantity). It is clear that we are talking about the basic ingredients for many products, used daily in every home. Just as many people react allergic to the intake of these elements, dogs can also have serious intolerance problems.

However, the presence of gluten-free feed allows you to feed your dogs adequately and, above all, safe. What is still missing, if anything, are sweets and treats to use to play or reward your four-legged friend.

Symptoms of gluten intolerance

There are four main symptoms of celiac disease in dogs that should raise the alarm. Obviously, then, it will be necessary to immediately contact the veterinarian:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea. The irritation caused by gluten initially affects the intestine. The reaction will be the occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea in the dog. These symptoms alone are not enough to indicate the presence of celiac disease. In order to be linked to the problem, they will have to repeat themselves very frequently.
  • Itching. If you notice that your pet is constantly scratching the skin or anus, it is possible that he is suffering from a gluten allergy which is present in these areas.
  • Breathing difficulties. Among the direct consequences of celiac disease, attention should also be paid to irritation of the nasal cavities and throat. A dog that eats foods with gluten suffers from irritation of the respiratory tracts, which will become inflamed, causing sneezing and internal itching.
  • Convulsions. It is probably the most obvious and even the most serious warning sign. As soon as they occur, your pet will need to be urgently transported to the vet.

What to feed a dog with celiac disease?

Celiachia nel cane, esiste cibo per cani senza glutine
Photo: Bullcitydogs

As we have already told you, gluten-free dog foods are already available on the market. There is not a lot of choice, for now, especially in terms of kibble and sweets. Fortunately, new brands have emerged that are developing an offer dedicated to celiac animals.

If you can’t find anything in your area, the  Internet will allow you to order products online that are sure to suit your dog. When this is not possible, there is no other remedy but to wear an apron and kitchen gloves.

Let’s see together a simple recipe for cooking excellent gluten-free dog biscuits:

  • Half a cup of rice
  • 1 grated potato
  • Shredded carrots
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped
  • 750 grams of minced meat
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 3/4 cup quinoa

Cook the rice with the grated potatoes. Add the other ingredients in sequence and mix everything. Pour in the olive oil and put everything in the oven for 45 minutes at about 175 degrees. Once cooled, you can create balls of your favorite size, perhaps based on the size of your dog. Freeze the portion that is left over and go, here are some homemade gluten-free crunchies.

As we have seen, celiac disease in dogs is not an insurmountable problem, just be a little more careful and you will avoid unpleasant surprises.

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