Cockroaches In The House? Here Are The Best Remedies To Eliminate Them

Cockroaches in the house?  Here are the best remedies to eliminate them

Originally, cockroaches lived outdoors and even avoided contact with humans to protect themselves. However, the ease of obtaining food, warmth and shelter pushes them, increasingly, to invade homes.

To help you fight the cockroach plague, we have tried to summarize the best methods and home remedies for getting rid of cockroaches in your home. These are effective and simple tricks to put into practice. Rest assured: they will work in most cases.

Eliminate cockroaches: more hygiene inside the house

Cockroaches, or cockroaches, usually penetrate our homes in search of food and a safe, peaceful haven. In general, they settle and create nests in the darkest and warmest corners, where there is an abundance of food residues.

Hospitals, restaurants, gyms, schools … these very resistant insects have learned to live with humans and, apparently, they  love our company. They demonstrate a great ability to reproduce and adapt to different environments. To prevent them from occupying your homes, it is best to address the problem at the slightest sign of presence.

Therefore, an indispensable preventive measure to avoid cockroaches in the home is to adopt first level hygiene habits. Clean every corner of the house two or three times a week to avoid the accumulation of food debris. In addition, it is essential to keep rooms well ventilated and illuminated.

If you set aside flours, cereals or other foods, it is important to check that these products are hermetically sealed. Cockroaches have the ability to detect food from a great distance: it is therefore worthwhile to avoid attracting their attention.


Another key practice is to disinfect the inside of kitchen cabinets and counter tops at least twice a month. It is important to check for traces of beetles or nests. This can mean that it is a real infestation. In these cases, the ideal is to contact a specialized company. These professionals have tools and poisons that are difficult to find for normal consumers and guarantee you a very accurate intervention.

Seal the house to prevent cockroaches from entering

Cockroaches usually enter the home through small cracks or holes in doors, walls or windows. Additionally, some species are so small that they can only build nests in these tiny  holes.

To prevent the appearance of cockroaches at home, it is essential to ensure that your home is impenetrable. Check the external areas, and get ready to plug and fill any cracks and holes with putty, plaster, concrete. In addition to sealing windows and doors. Also install mosquito nets, even in the fireplace, if you have one. Remember:  cockroaches can fly !

Finally, it is advisable to avoid the accumulation of debris, paper or firewood in and around the house. In these dark and hidden areas, other harmful insects can proliferate.

Home remedies to avoid cockroaches in the house

The constant use of pesticides can pose a risk to your health and to the balance of the ecosystem. If you want to eliminate and prevent the presence of cockroaches or cockroaches in the house, do not miss these excellent home remedies, ecological and very  effective :



Place shredded bay leaves in corners, cabinets, doors and windows of the house. This plant, easy to find even in the city, helps prevent cockroaches from entering the house. The laurel aroma usually frightens and keeps cockroaches away from the first moment.

Onion and boric acid mixture

This onion and boric acid paste is a very efficient and inexpensive home remedy for keeping cockroaches away. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half an onion, cut into very small pieces.
  • 4 tablespoons of boric acid powder.
  • 1/2 cup of wheat flour.
  • A pinch of sugar
  • Beer or water (in the necessary quantity, to give consistency to the dough).

To prepare it, just mix the ingredients and add beer or water. In a few seconds you will get a paste that is easy to handle. It is important that the mixture is not too liquid. Once the preparation is finished, you can distribute small portions of this dough in the corners of your home.

But be careful: this remedy is not recommended if you have pets at home. Your dog or cat may accidentally eat pasta. If it is a toxic product, the consequences for their health could be very serious.

Fresh lavender, oil or perfume

Despite being highly valued by humans, the scent of lavender is a cockroach repellent. The ideal is to place pieces of fresh lavender in corners and other places where there are traces of cockroaches. Lavender oil or other scents can be applied to ward off these  unwanted guests.

Blend of sugar and baking soda

The stomach of cockroaches contains acid to allow digestion of the food consumed. For example, baking soda is a salt with alkaline properties capable of neutralizing this acidic pH. This mixture of sugar and baking soda is an excellent homemade “trap” for cockroaches.

The method is to sprinkle some of this mixture in every corner or hiding place. The aroma and taste of the sugar will attract cockroaches, which will not resist swallowing the mixture. However, the baking soda will act quickly in their body, producing a lethal effect.

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