Create Your Own Toys For Your Dog

Create your own toys for your dog

Sometimes we make the mistake of treating our animals as if they were people, but they are not. Another mistake is to think that they are beings slightly superior to plants, that is, with extremely basic vital functions. Pets have needs that we will have to meet and that go beyond just feeding them, taking them for a walk and getting them a place to sleep. They are creatures who need to have fun in their spare time. For this reason, in the following article we will show you how you can make your own toys for your dog.

Why Your Dog Needs Toys

dog with toy in mouth

Dogs need to have fun and, as animals, if you are not able to satisfy them they will look for something else to play with, certainly objects scattered around the house. Children’s furniture, clothes or games. The game, in addition to being useful for physically training based on the intensity with which it is performed, can also be used to develop the mind.

Sometimes it may happen that his trainer asks you to use a certain toy to try to overcome disturbances in his behavior, such as anxiety generated by loneliness, stress or in the case of older dogs. Sometimes we fall into the temptation to spend money to buy various items for our dog’s enjoyment, but often this is not necessary. By creating your own toys for your dogs, you will not only save money, but also have the satisfaction of having created something special for your best friends.

If you think you can’t do anything complicated, don’t worry. The dog toys that we will see below are very easy to make.

Dog toys: bottle of prizes

Find a plastic bottle that fits the size of your dog, and cut a round hole about halfway up with the help of a cutter. It will need to be a hole large enough for you to put various treats inside for your pet, even better if you opt for things your dog can eat.

The bottle will have to function in such a way that with the small strokes your dog gives with his paw or muzzle, the prizes come out. You will need to cover the area of ​​the bottle where you made the cut with insulating tape, to prevent your pet from cutting itself with sharp edges.

This game will be particularly useful when you want to reward your dog’s good behavior.

Dog toys: ball that goes, ball that comes

beagle with ball in mouth

In this case it is a very simple alternative. Take an old sock and a tennis ball that you no longer use but has no holes in it. Insert the ball into the sock and tie a knot at the end so that it does not come out. Then, play the push and pull by grabbing the side of the sock, and your pet the side containing the ball.

You can also stand in front of your dog and wiggle the sock with the ball inside, so that the dog tries to reach it with his mouth. If you are out of the house, play throwing the toy and have your dog carry it back to you.

Dog toys: three out of three

Surely you will have some small and old stuffed animals around the house , and if not, ask someone you know (there will surely be someone who has several that you want to get rid of). If you don’t have anyone to ask you will have to buy one, but don’t worry, they are cheap.

A necessary feature is that they are as striking as possible. Choose three. Then sew them by joining them in such a way as to form a kind of triangle, and making sure that on each side of the triangle a puppet has its face up. Your dog will love this original toy, and every time he turns the game and sees a new face, his instinctive memory will develop. 

We got to see three toys for your pet. Easy, original and fun. Now you just have to choose the one you like best to package it. Or even better, why not try doing all three?

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