Curiosities About Cebo With Croissants You Need To Know

One of the curiosities about croissant cebo is that it expends a lot of energy to feed itself. It is no coincidence that he devotes the day to cracking nuts.
Curiosities about cebo from croissants that you need to know

Some curiosities about croissant cebo are truly surprising. Although there are several species of capuchin monkeys, this is probably the best known. Present in numerous films and series, despite himself, he often maintains unique and peculiar behaviors that are worth knowing better. Here is the  cebo with croissants. 

Cebo dal cornetti, the most famous capuchin monkey

One of the most interesting things to know about cornetto cebo is that it has two “crests”. The first is  a sagittal crest present on the skull, typical of the male specimens of the genus Sapajus.

The second crest is of black hair  particularly evident in the males and is more prominent on the head of the dominant specimens. This species intimidates its enemies by emitting sharp calls and arching its eyebrows, obviously also lifting the hairs of this crest.

The destructive feeding of cebo from croissants

These animals are omnivores and, although most of their diet consists of fruit, roots or plants, it is certain that insects, reptiles and amphibians can be part of their diet. As well as small mammals or even eggs of other animals.

One of the curiosities about croissant cebo is that it expends a lot of energy to feed itself. It is no coincidence that he  devotes the day to breaking nuts, shaking branches, tearing the bark of trees, lifting rocks or crushing fruits that are hard to bite.

Cebo with croissants sitting on a broken branch

Capuchin monkeys also know where to find their favorite food, being very intelligent animals. They have a very large brain, in relation to the size of the body and can count on a mind map to search for resources.

The croissant cebo is washed with onions

Bathing with onion is an absolutely instinctive behavior. The croissant cebo uses  lemons or other citrus fruits, insects and some plants as  natural pesticides.

This approach is believed to have several functions. On the one hand, these pesticides keep ticks and mosquitoes away. On the other hand, they strengthen social relations, since these Capuchin monkeys follow the “washing” together, in a shared way and exchanging the fruits they use to rub each other.

Another interesting quality is that of possessing, like other South American primates, a prehensile tail, which is used as another hand. It can be used both to complete the washing and to hang from the branches and use the other four limbs, more freely.

The use of croissant cebo utensils

The croissant cebo is known for its great intelligence, since it can even use utensils. Sometimes they create containers to drink water, use sticks to reach for food, sponges to absorb liquids, and even natural hammers and chisels to open nuts and other shelled fruits.

Other times they use stones to get to the tubers hidden underground and break up the rocks to obtain stones that are more suitable and congenial to a specific purpose. A behavior seen only in humans and great apes, an aspect that reveals their marked intelligence.

Cebo with croissants walks on a branch

Curiosities about cebo from croissants: prize and justice

Capuchin monkeys have even shown that they understand the concept of “reward” and “justice”. That is, they understand that there is a relationship between taking positive action to gain a positive advantage. An element that has been brought to light by a series of experiments that leave no doubt about the cognitive abilities of these primates.

The researchers assigned the same task to two specimens. When the job was done, they rewarded the first monkey with grapes and the second with a cucumber. The latter showed all her anger at not having received the same award, showing that she was able to recognize what, in effect, was an obvious injustice.

Relations between croissant cebo and other monkeys

Capuchin monkeys have even shown friendly relations with other primates in the wild: the squirrel monkey and the horned cebo team up to hunt for insects and get more food. In addition, they are used to work together to defend against a common enemy: the birds of prey of the Amazon rainforest.

Squirrel monkey among the trees

It has been found that capuchin monkeys and squirrel monkeys can spend as much as half a day together, but usually sleep separately. Even in captivity they often love to be together.

The complex communication of the cebo from the croissants

Among the curiosities of the Capuchin monkey, his way of communicating orally stands out. In fact, these animals  use different calls to “talk” with the members of the group, attract attention or warn of a danger.

Males of the croissant cebo show gestures of greeting and friendship, for example when they hug each other while screaming with happiness.  These behaviors are not present in females and are believed to strengthen group relationships.

Black-headed croissant cebo on a branch

Is the croissant cebo at risk of extinction?

The Capuchin monkey, despite the dangers and abuses carried out by man, adapts brilliantly to the presence of people. It is one of the few primate species that is not yet threatened, although humans are actively exploiting its ecosystem. In fact, it is the primate with the greatest distribution in South America after us.

They have also been caught for the film industry, show business, and even to be sold as pets. Unfortunately, in fact,  their friendly facial expression and their popularity led to an exploitation as actors and animals company. Always remember this: a monkey masquerading in human clothes will never be happy. His place is in the open air, in the jungle, alongside his fellow men.

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