Disease Symptoms In Cats

Disease symptoms in cats

When the cat has health problems, he certainly cannot come and warn us. In fact, it is likely that he will hide his discomfort until it becomes evident. For this reason it is very important to pay attention to the different signs that indicate the presence of a disease in your cat and, if necessary, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Observe your cat


To prevent the disorder from worsening, the ideal would be to understand in time when something is wrong with the cat.

It could be just a passing annoyance or a simple cold. But sometimes, what seems to an inattentive glance an imperceptible change in the animal’s behavior, instead hides more serious health problems.

A good way to take care of your cat is to get to know him thoroughly ; only in this way will it be possible to act immediately, at the slightest change in the behavior or physical state of the animal.

Above all, it is necessary to pay attention to some symptoms that may indicate health problems and, at the slightest doubt, take the cat to the vet.

Main symptoms of the disease in cats

Here are a number of signs to help you understand if a change has occurred in your cat’s health condition. In the presence of any of these symptoms of disease, we advise you to consult your veterinarian immediately.

Difficulty urinating

If your kitten returns to its litter box at any time and sits there for a long time, it is very likely that it has difficulty urinating. Check that there are no traces of blood from urine in the sand. Also, be suspicious when your cat pees in unusual places, especially on soft surfaces like the bed or the armchair. This can also be a symptom of inflammation of the urinary tract.

Diarrhea and vomiting

Sometimes our feline friends vomit or produce loose stools. When the episode is occasional there is no need to be alarmed. However, if the problem persists for more than a day, if he cannot hold back what he eats or if the diarrhea shows traces of blood and mucus, the situation must be addressed promptly.

Loss of appetite and weight

That the cat stubbornly refuses food is not normal behavior, nor is losing weight progressively or suddenly.

Respiratory difficulties

You have to worry if the cat breathes quickly, superficially, with its mouth open, or when the breathing comes to involve the stomach muscles.

Collapses, fainting and spasms

Pay attention when the animal loses its balance and seems dazed or disoriented. The cause can be of cardiovascular or neurological origin.

Apathy and excessive sleep

Although cats have a reputation for being late sleepers, it is unusual for them to sleep more than they should, lose interest in their surroundings, or no longer want to play. Also check your cat when you see him seeking too much isolation.

Sudden increase in thirst or appetite

Visit your feline friend even when he urinates more than usual.

Other Disease Symptoms in Cats

There are other more subtle clues that may indicate a health problem in your cat. Eg:

  • Stop preening. A dull, matted coat is a clear sign that something unusual is happening to your little friend.
  • Having drooping ears and tail.
  • Meowing all the time.
  • Coughing or sneezing continuously.
  • Suddenly becoming aggressive.
  • Having difficulty walking or moving.

It’s still:

Other symptoms of the disease can be:

  • Excessive scratching.
  • Compulsive licking of certain areas of the body.
  • Shedding or showing hairless areas.
  • Appearance of black spots or excessive ear wax in the ears.
  • Have eyes that are swollen, watery, or have white, yellow, or green secretions.
  • Show excessive sensitivity to light.
  • Continuously moving the head, as if the animal were bothered by something.
  • Having bad breath.
  • Losing saliva.
  • Having a different gum color than usual.

Healthy and happy cats

From parasites to stress, through diabetes, kidney disease or hypothyroidism: there can be many health problems in cats. By learning to recognize the symptoms of illness in your kitten in time, you will help him enjoy a better quality of life.

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