Diseases Associated With Dog Food

Properly feeding your pet is of the utmost importance. Therefore, we will show you some ailments related to dog food.
Diseases associated with dog food

Diet and health, as we know, go hand in hand. Therefore, being certain that we are giving our pet the proper food is vital. That’s why you need to know about the diseases associated with dog food .

Dog food: how to choose the right one

When it comes to pet food, we mostly talk about diet. In addition to satisfying the appetite, dog food should serve as a source of energy and nutrients, as it is one of the pillars on which its health is based.

That said, the correct choice of food for your four-legged friend depends on many factors. Among these, race, age, type of daily activity and weight are the factors that most influence the choice of one food or another. There are many food options to meet all the mentioned requirements.

However, if your dog suffers from some type of health ailment or is more sensitive to certain foods and you don’t know it, the most normal thing is for him to start showing symptoms of disease or intolerances: loss of appetite, gastrointestinal problems and weakness. are the most common.

Dog diet depending on the breed

Diseases associated with dog food: allergies or intolerances

Undoubtedly, intolerance to certain foods or ingredients is one of the most common reasons when we talk about diseases associated with dog food. Like humans, dogs can exhibit allergies to:

  • Gluten.
  • Dairy products and derivatives.
  • Food colors or artificial ingredients found in dog foods.

    The most normal thing is for the vet to warn you of this type of allergy and provide you with solutions such as an alternative diet or a special hypoallergenic food. If your pet’s food intolerance has not yet been diagnosed, you will begin to notice typical symptoms, such as breathing or skin problems.

    Respiratory problems in dogs

    Other diseases associated with dog food

    Obviously, if your dog has an allergy to something he eats, his digestive system will notice it the most. Poor nutrition – or a poor choice of dog food – results in annoying ailments like diarrhea.

    Diarrhea can appear for various reasons: from food intolerance to poor digestion. In these cases, the frequency with which it appears works as an alarm indicator, so if the diarrhea starts to recur, something may be wrong with your dog food choice.

    Diarrhea is among the diseases associated with dog food
    In addition to diarrhea, there is another digestive disorder which, although more related to spoiled food, is common in dogs. We refer to gastritis or acute indigestion and its causes range from intolerance to eating contaminated or expired products. It is important, in this sense, to keep your dog away from areas where he can find decaying food – such as household waste – and always watch what he puts in his mouth.

    Recently, it has also been found that some components of dog food can be linked to cardiovascular disease, although it is true that it is not yet known for sure what the root cause is. What we can be sure of is that, with the help of the vet and the right food, your dog will enjoy a happy and healthy life.

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