Do You Have An Aggressive Dog? Here’s What To Do

Do you have an aggressive dog?  Here's what to do

If you have adopted a puppy or have given one to you, a truly unique and sincere love is born from the first moment. This friendship will be very strong and will last a lifetime. With the passage of time, little by little, you will begin to learn more about its character and, therefore, also its possible defects. Let’s talk, in particular, about when you discover that you have an aggressive dog.

A docile and good specimen with the master but that attacks other dogs, adults and even children. When a pet starts to show aggression, you have to recognize it. Do not wait for family members or neighbors to tell you, try to understand that it is a problem to be solved immediately and correctly.

There are a number of corrective techniques that will allow you to train and calm your dog. The race they belong to is not a distinctive element, indeed it does not affect at all. It is necessary to work on a psychological level and establish a healthier conduct, to eliminate any possible violence.

The behavior of an aggressive dog

What to do with an aggressive dog

If you notice an aggressive attitude that is constantly repeated, never underestimate it. First of all it will be necessary to interpret and study these behaviors, to establish causes and frequency. Some animals can attack if approached suddenly, out of fear or defense. Others develop resentment towards certain specimens. Finally, the hunter instinct simply prevails in them. Especially against small animals, cats, rodents or insects.

Knowing how to identify the triggers in an aggressive dog means reducing the scope of any possible intervention. The quickest and most effective solution passes right here. In fact, you can avoid the most violent attitudes by avoiding situations that cause tension and stress in your beloved dog.

Socialization, fundamental from the first months

There are situations in which dogs show specific attitudes to aggression. Let’s talk, for example, about social isolation. Or, rather, the scarce habit of being among others. In order to avoid the onset of this psychological pathology, it is good to get your dog used to socializing from an early age. When he is 2 to 4 months old, you will have to get used to being with other dogs, people and animals of different species.

Greater socialization means better adaptability and ease in creating social relationships. In addition to this mental balance, you will accustom the animal to regulate its bite when playing and to measure its strength. However, always remember to accompany him, in the game, closely. Reward positive attitudes and punish disproportionate ones.

Work on deep obedience

An aggressive dog acts by instinct and because of the lack of precise rules. If the animal is left too free, there is a risk of creating a sort of mental disorder in which the dog has no certainties. And it is, therefore, led to act without limitations. Strive to be the leader of your family, dictate strict rules  that apply to everyone. Your four-legged friend will always know how to act because he is aware of what he can and cannot do.

An excellent exercise is to coordinate the dog’s movements using the leash. Train him to walk at the same speed as you. Give him time to teach him commands and exercises to strengthen your authority.

Teach him to let go

As you may already know, dogs are able to associate vocal orders with certain actions. If well trained, a dog is able to respond immediately to commands such as: “sit”, “come here” or “attack”. To avoid aggressive behavior, it is a good idea to train your friend to let go.

In this sense, rubber or cloth toys are a great training tool. Place the toy in front of the dog’s nose and wait for it to bite. Then try to pull it away, repeating the “spring” command aloud. Reward him whenever he obeys quickly. Over time, your four-legged friend will understand that you cannot bite everything and that, above all, if you let go, he will be rewarded.

We must avoid that the animal exploits the full strength of its jaw, making it understand that it is a wrong and forbidden behavior.

Run, play, socialize

What to do with an aggressive dog

If a dog spends a lot of time alone, locked in a small space, unable to run or move, it is likely that he will develop aggressive behavior. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons behind canine violence.

Instead of walking your dog for ten minutes, in a hurry and just outside the house, you will have to dedicate more time to him. Both to carry out proper physical activity, which is also good for you, and to help him socialize with anyone. Be they human or animal. Playing, running, walking for an hour or two promotes the release of stress. The dog will be able to get distracted, have fun and, inevitably, will get tired, eliminating any kind of aggressive behavior. Having a dog means loving him and therefore veiling for his well-being, both physical and mental.

Finally, keep in mind that  each dog looks like its owner. Avoid beating him, set firm rules and train him with discipline. Violence generates more violence, don’t forget it.

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