Dogs Come From The Stars

Dogs come from the stars

The stars, precious in the sky .. inspired this story.

One day, a little boy asked his father: ” Where do the dogs come from, Dad?” . The man did not know what to answer. He loved animals very much, it is true, but he had never thought about the matter. So he replied: “Your dad doesn’t always have an answer to everything, but give me a few minutes and I’ll be able to satisfy you, what do you think?”

The child didn’t seem very satisfied, but he agreed. During his father’s absence, he continued to look at his watch, anxious as he was to see him return. When, finally, the man returned, the answer did not please the boy at all: ” Dogs come from wolves,” said the father. “Liar!” Cried the boy, who shut himself in his room, slamming the door.

Where do dogs come from?


The father was stunned, but let the child calm down a bit, before going to look for him. Through the door she could hear him crying, but more and more softly, until she heard nothing more. Gently, the man asked permission to enter the room.

“Dogs can’t come from wolves, dad,” said the boy. The father looked at him intently, waiting for an explanation.

Wolves don’t love us, if we meet them in the woods they bite us, they don’t obey orders and they don’t even let themselves be caressed. You can’t keep a wolf in the house, right?

The child’s words were not entirely nonsense, so the man thought of an answer that could convince his son. In his search, he finally found something he himself did not yet know: the star Sirius.

The star Sirius

Sirius belongs to the constellation called Canis Major. Being the largest star in the entire constellation, it is also called the “Dog Star”.

In ancient Egypt it was thought that some canine-like deities came from this constellation. The Egyptians did not fear them, on the contrary they loved and respected them.

Well, that doesn’t contradict what my son says, thought the father. Now she had an exciting story to tell her baby!

Dogs come from the stars

Once the reading was over, the man called his son to him and made him sit on his lap. He began to talk to him about the stars. “The stars have a very important meaning in our lives. They illuminate our existence, they guide us when we need them and their positive energy makes us happy when we are sad. They wink at us when we look at them and even smile at us, I’m sure, even if we can’t see it. Who else makes us feel this way? ”.

“Toby, my little dog, my friend” – the boy’s smile showed that he was enjoying this story.

“Come on, I’ll show you something.” Dad picked him up and carried him out onto the terrace. From there you could see the constellation of Canis Major and the man tried to make the child see the star Sirius. She gently told him that all dogs come from there.

That’s why our Hunter is gone, right Dad? He had to go home. . “


Hunter had been his first dog, but he had been hit by a car. The child had suffered a lot and only then did his father understand that the need for the child was only to find some consolation for that grave loss.

“Sure, if the dogs come from the stars, they have to go back there eventually,” the boy said. The father did not understand where he was going, but the son continued his thought.

This means that God only lends them to us, because if we all kept them forever, who would light up the sky at night? “. The father embraced him and once again appreciated the innocence of his son.

The child had not strayed far from the truth thinking that dogs come from the stars: they illuminate our existence, they guide us when we need them, their positive energy makes us happy when we are sad. They wink at us when we look at them and even though we can’t see it, they smile at us.

We all want someone to give us the moon. Those who have a dog, on the other hand, have a star in the house. Take care of them and love your 4-legged friends with all your heart, because when they are stars again, they will continue to love you. 

And you? Do you already have your own little star?

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