Dogs Could Be A Solution To Cancer

Dogs could be a solution to cancer

If you are already in love with your four-legged friend, this news will leave you breathless. Their love goes far beyond what we imagine: dogs could play a key role in the fight against cancer. How? Read on, we tell you how dogs are collaborating in the treatment of this terrible disease and what results have been achieved so far.

How did the research start?

Dogs, as pets, receive constant medical attention; in this way it was possible to prove that they can get cancer just like humans.

Dogs with cancer are subjected to various therapies; in some cases, with the consent of the owners, they have been used in experimental treatments intended for humans.

These have often given good results, so much so as to evaluate the possibility of administering them to people.

What have been the achievements in the fight against cancer?


Cross therapies, as researchers call them, have been used for several years. What is it about? They are nothing more than treatments that, working well on one of the two species, humans or dogs, are applied to the other. The result is a high cure rate.

For this reason, researchers have begun to duplicate cancer therapies aimed at humans; advancing bilaterally, great progress has been made in treating cancer for both species, people and dogs. Incredible! Cancer cure may be closer than ever with this approach.

This is good news that sheds a ray of hope on a disease that is sometimes considered incurable.

Other aids from dogs

Dogs never cease to amaze us. This we have told you is one of the latest news, but there are many ways in which they manage to improve the quality of our life.

guide dog

  • Guide dogs. They are the best known and have been helping blind people for many years. It has become less unusual to see them on the street and perhaps we have begun to take their jobs for granted. In reality these dogs have a challenging and delicate task. They stay with their master 24 hours a day, always docile. They are trained to press the button for medical assistance in case of illness. They are able to bring objects to the master and do many other things.
  • Therapeutic dogs. They are used in therapies aimed at people with special needs. They are educated to understand patients’ emotions and cope with their emotional needs.
  • Assistance dogs. Intended for children with cancer, autism, anxious or otherwise; assistance dogs are able to make the saddest person smile and calm anxiety.
  • Police dogs. They will not have to do with disease, but how many lives these animals save! They get hard training and their goal is to help people. We could not not include them in the list.

It seems that dogs are ready to do more good things for us than we humans are willing to do for them.

With or without training in these tasks, a dog is the best thing that can come into our life. If you don’t have a dog yet, go to a shelter and adopt one. You will not regret it.

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