Dogs Love To Sleep Under The Covers

Dogs love to sleep under the covers

Most dogs like to sneak under the covers of our bed to take a nap. Why on earth, you may be wondering. The answers are many: one could be the need to feel the human warmth and company of one’s master. In any case, if you love sleeping with your furry friend, keep in mind that you will always have to guarantee him a way to get out easily from under the covers, in case he is very hot or feels suffocating (claustrophobia). 

So let’s see why dogs love hiding under the blankets so much and what are the best ways to guarantee them an adequate and comfortable solution that gives them a peaceful sleep.

What are dogs looking for under the covers?

dog under the covers

When your dog sneaks under your blankets, he wants to feel pampered and seeks some peace. In spite of everything, however, you will have to take into account some basic hygiene rules, since the continuous exchange of stale air, due to the breathing of animal and owner, combined with other factors, could harm your health. Make sure, therefore, that your dog is up to date with vaccinations, that he does not have parasites, neither internal nor external, and that he follows a correct diet, as well as, of course, a daily personal hygiene procedure.

It is also possible that your dog will go all the way to the bottom of the blankets to look for the most comfortable and protected area, the one that can offer him shelter and warmth : at that point he will only have to curl up and enjoy his new “den”.

This, like others, are habits that dogs have inherited from the wolves, from which they descend, which in order to rest and defend themselves, holed up in their dens.

Types of mattresses and temperature

Have you ever wondered what kind of bed your four-legged friend prefers? Just like most people, dogs also prefer a comfortable bed rather than a hard one that reminds them as much as possible of the feeling of a soft bed of grass, leaves and straw.

Also the temperature is a factor that pushes your furry friend to seek refuge from your rugs. On a hot day, your faithful friend will dig a hole in the garden to seek the relief of cool earth, but on a cold day, he will run to where he is sure to find the warmth he seeks: your bed.

As for the kennel of your pet, it is good to clarify that the basket he used when he was still a puppy can not always fit even once he has grown up : you need to evaluate his size and his way of sleeping, to ensure comfort. necessary to rest properly.

The choice of the kennel


To make the most appropriate choice in terms of kennel, you must always give priority to the comfort of your four-legged friend, according to his size and habits. You will need to be clear if a waterproof mattress or a soft bed is better and, later, choose a suitable place to put it in the house.

To choose the ideal kennel you will have to think about how many hours your dog usually spends in his basket, or in any case in the place where he usually sleeps and rests. An adequate resting place for an adult specimen should ensure sufficient comfort to sleep at ease. Remember that it is important to isolate the kennel from the floor, to maintain body heat for longer and also to safeguard the health of its bones.

On the market there are several proposals for the rest and sleep of dogs: from traditional kennels to cushions, passing through baskets that look like real sofas and mattresses of all kinds. If you opt for a wicker basket, make sure it is equipped with a soft and soft pillow; It must be said, however, that some dogs love to gnaw wicker, which is why we recommend a plastic basket.

A further factor that affects when buying a kennel for your dog is certainly the possibility of washing it and keeping it clean: you must therefore choose a material that is easy to clean and disinfect. A good example would be a waterproof mat with a removable and washable cover.

Sleeping under the covers, an ideal remedy for colder days

If your furry friend sleeps in a kennel all for him, it is advisable that, on the coldest days, you cover him with a blanket, to ensure that his body heat does not dissipate. They should be covered with a moisture-resistant fabric that can be easily washed.

Sofa baskets are a choice to be taken seriously if your four-legged friend likes to sleep a little higher than the floor level: even in this case, there are different materials on the market.

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