Dogs That Bite Shoes: Causes And Solutions

Dogs that bite your shoes: causes and solutions

You may have come home one day and found your favorite shoes torn apart by your dog. Probably, after getting angry, and then taking a few deep breaths to calm you down, you’ve probably wondered: Why does my dog ​​like to bite his shoes? 

Biting into objects is a normal thing for dogs

The answer is that dogs nibble or destroy various objects, not just shoes, for various reasons. You must understand that this behavior is natural for them, even if from your point of view it is wrong.

For your 4-legged friends it is as normal as digging a hole or barking. You just need to find a balance so that this habit, so annoying for you and so right for them, does not make your coexistence impossible. How to do?

Patience and training are the best words to deal with this problem with your dog. 

The reasons dogs like to bite on objects

First you have to try to understand why your dog bites shoes or other objects,  and then find a specific solution.

If your pet is still a puppy and is teething, he will surely feel the need to bite on anything  to calm the inflammation and pain in his gums.

In this case,  you need to get him lots of toys that he can nibble on. Remember that puppies really enjoy exploring their surroundings. It is normal for them to want to bite into everything they find.

Other reasons dogs bite shoes

On the other hand,  if you leave your furry friend alone in the house for too long, he will surely destroy objects  because he is bored.  Again, give him something to play with during your absence.

It is important to get him to exercise or take him for a walk before you leave. So he will be tired and relaxed and will not want to destroy everything. Consult a veterinarian for advice on how to deal with this.

If my dog ​​likes to bite his shoes, is it my fault?

You must also ask yourselves what is your degree of responsibility in this matter. For instance:

  • Have you ever given your dog an old shoe to play with? 

Big mistake.A dog does not distinguish old items from new ones, so any footwear will be fine for him. If you’ve taught him to play in shoes, he’ll think he can always do it.

  • Do you keep items that your dog might bite in in a safe place? 

If you already know that your pet is raging against different elements of the house, you should not leave them in plain sight and then complain about having destroyed them.

  • Have you taught your dog to only bite his toys and not everything else? 

This implies dedication and patience. When you notice that your furry friend is about to grab a shoe, you must firmly say NO and give him a game. Over time he will understand what he can bite or not.

Find a healthy balance between happy dogs and safe shoes

Always keep in mind that  punishments are useless, neither in this case nor in others where you think your dog is not behaving well. You will only make the situation worse.

You don’t even have to blame him after the fact has happened. The animal will understand the reason for your scolding only if you catch it red-handed. 

Furthermore, you cannot expect the animal to stop performing an action that it deems normal. Remember: Dogs like to bite on objects. It is up to you to teach them to nibble only on certain things and not your beloved shoes.

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