Firefighter Saves A Dog With Mouth-to-mouth Resuscitation

Firefighter rescues a dog with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

To say that a firefighter saved people from a fire is not news. These modern day heroes are often the protagonists of incredible stories. This time, however, it is worth dwelling on another element of the story. In fact, in addition to the man who owns the house, the firefighter also snatched a dog from the flames, saving it thanks to mouth-to-mouth respiration .

The animal was unconscious from the heavy smoke it had inhaled. Warned by the owner, the firefighter returned to the flames to save the animal’s life.

The story took place in Romania and the fireman became a real national hero. Also in this case, the news of his gesture reached the social networks that made a fair echo.

The fireman’s name is Mugurel Costache. He himself confirmed that, after rescuing the dog’s owner, he felt compelled to get back into action to retrieve the animal as well.

The poor little dog had already fainted and was lying still, in the middle of a curtain of smoke and flames.

Once outside, the firefighter did not hesitate to resort to artificial respiration and heart massage to revive the dog. After 20 minutes of effort, mouth-to-mouth finally began to work, bringing the animal back to life.

The enterprise of the firefighter who saves the owner and the dog

The video of this rescue operation went around the world and was seen by over 2 million people, including TV and Internet sites. A way to testify the gratitude of all animal lovers towards Mugurel, affectionately called “the hero of Pitesti” (Pitesti is the city where the rescue took place).

Without the firefighter’s intervention, the dog’s fate would inevitably have been sealed.

Messages of affection and esteem arrived from every corner of the planet, from Dubai, Germany, Italy, England and France. Many people have sent messages of gratitude, as well as those who have offered to adopt the dog, if the owner could no longer take care of it.

Artificial respiration and heart massage for the dog

Obviously, the operation carried out by the firefighter is the result of  years of experience and a certain familiarity with  post-fire resuscitation techniques. In any case, for your general knowledge, here are 5 key elements to take into consideration in an emergency:

  • Eliminate any possible objects that may occlude the animal’s throat.
  • Spread out the dog’s head and blow air into his mouth  at the rate of two by two. His chest should swell.
  • Place the dog on its left side and raise the right paw to locate the heart. Compressions should be performed rapidly, 10-12 times for 5 seconds.
  • Practice artificial respiration and then repeat the cycle, always evaluating the situation.

Alternate artificial respiration and heart compressions

When cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques are put into practice, as seen, the procedure is the same as that used for humans. It is necessary to alternate artificial respiration and cardiac compressions until the moment in which the animal gives no response signals.

We continue the compressions until the animal reacts and begins to breathe on its own.

The fireman: a silent hero

Every day the firefighters face and solve situations of great danger for the life of people and other living beings, as we have seen. Imagine what it means to enter a house devoured by flames and with possible victims.

They are silent heroes who, as we write to you, continue to save lives.

Their medals, their awards, are not fame or money. Simply the sincere and heartfelt gratitude of the people. A smile, a ‘thank you’, a pat on the back, a hug.

What to know about a dog’s mouth

We conclude with some useful information in terms of precautions. Mouth-to-mouth breathing involves contact with the dog’s mucous membranes and it is worth reiterating some concepts. For example, the possibility of transmitting oral diseases in dogs is very high.

One of the consequences of the excessive  humanization of pets lies in the habit of  kissing your dog as if it were a person. Bacteria, viruses and more can attack our organism, using a channel that is not very defensible, such as the mouth and tongue.

However clean and polite, a dog is always an animal and should be treated as such. In addition to licking their private parts, they come into contact with any type of object and it is impossible to control everything that leads to the mouth.

Loving your dog doesn’t mean neglecting normal hygiene measures. Maintain a schedule of vaccination, daily hygiene, washing and brushing, teeth cleaning, pesticide treatments.

Avoid inappropriate behaviors that can open the door to unexpected and annoying pathologies. Unless it’s an emergency, as our heroic firefighter taught us  .

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