Fundamental Points To Strengthen The Bond With Your Cat

Fundamental points to strengthen the bond with your cat

It is not always easy to strengthen the bond you have with your cat. There are some crucial methods to achieve this. We tend to associate felines with “independence”, thinking that they love to lead a life of their own.

The bond with your cat: feline solitude

Cats are said to love having their own spaces and times. They enjoy their manias privately and have fun alone. That is to say they need their space.

Once tamed and subordinated to what we can give them, many of their essential needs are directly dependent on our actions, including the type of relationship that is created.

Sometimes it feels like an interested and capricious relationship : loneliness when they like and company when they want. In the meantime, they must not lack for anything. In return they give us the pleasure of their presence, their elegance and agility, and all the mystique that surrounds their figure.


Respect their spaces

Kittens want to have their own space and safe places. Quiet and undisturbed areas; from day one they need privacy. Experts agree that cats need at least two different rooms to be able to roam, seek solitude and explore.

Among the places cats need is their litter box. It must be remembered that if we have more than one feline, we will need at least one for each. There are different models depending on the space available and the tastes of the animal.

Then you need a space for eating and drinking, where the cat can have fresh water, and which must be separated from the litter box, because otherwise it could refuse food.

Loungers at different heights. One at the floor level is essential, but many cats appreciate a second resting area at a certain height, from where they can control the front door or the street through a window that is, of course, always closed.

Timing and individuality of cats

Cats are not very fond of changes. A move, a new home, or a new person can be a temporary nuisance. It is necessary to respect their times.

Their individual character and their developed hearing must also be respected. They have a world of their own and a very defined personality. There are some who like to spend the day between your legs and others who want to live their life stealthily. You don’t have to try to make your cat the way you want it, just let it be what it needs.

However, it will be very useful to be able to understand his movements, his language and his motivations. There are times when you can look for it and others when you leave it alone.

Understanding the movements of the feline

Body language is very significant. Each cat is unique, and its owners are the people who understand it best. If we observe him, we will certainly be able to connect all his attitudes to different everyday situations.

For example, if a cat has his eyes wide open, it means he is intrigued by something. He may also be particularly pleased, but if he opens them wide and has dilated pupils, he surely wants to attack.

If he is lying down and someone strokes him while he keeps his eyes narrowed, it means that he is relaxed and very comfortable.

Why do they meow?

Cats sometimes meow to make themselves understood. To strengthen the bond with your cat, you must understand that the cat is capable of meowing in different ways, tones, volume, intensity and duration.

You will need to pay close attention to these differences to understand what the different meows mean. Usually, if the meow is long, it means he is hungry. If it is short, the animal may be frightened. And if he’s strong, he wants to defend himself.

Does the cat move its tail?

If a cat moves its tail a lot, this indicates discontent. When the tail is completely taut and straight, but with the tip to one side, it means that he has seen something that interests him. If she is completely straight, it means she is very happy. If he keeps it low, almost touching the ground, it is a sign that his attitude is submissive: it may be that he is sad or that he is not feeling well.


Other gestures

When a cat rubs against a person or object, it means that it is marking its territory. If he does it against a person, but using his muzzle or nose, he shows that he loves them.

Whiskers are also indicators of your relationship with your cat. If he is angry, he will keep them close to the muzzle and motionless.

If he keeps his ears straight and moves them in front of different sounds, it means he is cheerful. If they are backwards, they may be scared or defensive. If he keeps them straight and angled to the sides, he is preparing to attack.

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