“Growing Together”: Animal Therapy For Children

"Growing Together": animal therapy for children

Finding dog therapists has now become something normal. These animals are increasingly used for this purpose. For this reason today we want to talk to you about a new Spanish project called “Crescere Insieme” (“Creciendo Juntos”). It uses dogs as therapy for mistreated or abused boys and girls.

What is Growing Together?


Crescere Insieme is a pioneering and innovative project that is aimed at all those boys and girls who have been victims of abuse or mistreatment. Many are participating in the Network of Integral Rehabilitation Centers for Victims of Violence.

This project aims to eliminate the phobias and fears of these children. And also the learning problems that their trauma can cause. For example, some don’t notice when their teacher has changed the subject. Others are enchanted when the bell rings to change classrooms. There are also those who have serious motor skills.

Dogs raise children’s self-esteem. When they play with them, they help them forget their problems, as well as increase their potential by improving their mood.

Plus, animals make children feel important and loved, something they may not have felt in their entire life.

What role do animals play

Although dogs are the most used animals in therapy due to their versatility and their ease of learning and obeying, there are also other animals involved in this project. We tell you what role each one plays.

For example, Lulù is a dog who, in addition to giving love and affection to children, teaches them important lessons. Whenever they throw the ball at her, try to catch it while it’s still in the air. The first time she may not succeed, but she keeps trying, prepares and waits.

This is a great lesson in perseverance, observation and commitment to achieve goals, which children will never forget for their entire life.

Chanel is another of the little dogs used in this project. Despite being several years old, she continues to play with the same enthusiasm as when she was a puppy. She teaches children to overcome shyness and fear of being different. It helps them understand that they can enjoy every moment and be happy, regardless of their surroundings.

Children with concentration or learning problems come to use the animal as a means of communication. Sometimes they also manage to unlock and express themselves and understand better.

Other animals of the project


However, as we told you at the beginning, dogs are not the only animals used in the Growing Together project. Fish and birds also play an important role.

Fish, for example, help the child find balance and inner peace. They are not allowed to take them but, as a reward for their good work, they can feed them.

Birds also play an important role in the Growing Together project, because they live in freedom, and this allows children to interact with them. The children prepare the food and the birds come to fetch it, so as to awaken the child’s sense of observation in order to be able to feed them.

Obviously this whole process is supervised and closely followed at all times by specialists. He is undoubtedly achieving excellent results and succeeding in integrating happy children into society.

This is demonstrated by the experiences and comments of people who have involved their children. For example, Maria says that her two granddaughters were too shy, but that they are now more sociable and, as a result, much better students.

And this is just one example of real people who have benefited from the Growing Together project.

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