Here Are The Best Pets For Older People

Here are the best pets for older people

It has now been proven that pets are excellent companions for older people. The problem of loneliness is defeated thanks to the affection received from cats and dogs. In the same way, however, the responsibilities of living with a high living being must be taken into consideration.

For this reason, in this article we will show you which animals are best suited to those who have a few years older.

Pets for older people

If you are looking for the perfect pet for your grandparent, another family member or someone of a certain age, here are some tips. First you will need to check if this person is independent and if they continue to be active. It may happen that you travel a lot or spend several hours away from home. For example at the elderly club or keeping busy in multiple activities.

In all these cases, it is not at all a good idea to give a dog or cat as a gift. We are talking about a drastic life change in habits and that will not benefit anyone. Furthermore, the animal will not receive the time or adequate attention.

Elderly people and animals: better a dog or a cat?

Here are the best pets for older people

Now that you know that you can give a pet to an elderly person, there is another aspect to keep in mind. The presence of a dog or a cat must be a source of joy and fun,  not excessive effort.

Regardless of the type of animal, the advice is to donate a specimen with at least two years of age. It therefore means resorting to a mature animal, which has already passed the phase of hyperactivity, typical of previous periods.

Better a cat or a dog? There are arguments in favor of both choices.

Most experts prefer cats. They are more independent, affectionate but do not require too much attention. From the age of three, a cat loves to be next to its owner for hours. No obligation to leave the house, with a little baby food twice a day and a litter box, he doesn’t need anything else.

Dogs are probably more sensitive and communicative. However, the amount of responsibility increases considerably. Going out of the house two or three times, for the usual walks, can be a problem. Especially if it is a large breed, with risks of falls and accidents.

The economic aspect

We must not forget that having an animal means having to keep it. Regardless of whether it is a dog or cat, big or small, it needs food and medical attention.

Remember then that the small specimens have, in general, a higher life expectancy than the large tonnages.

Compared to the choice of the cat, also in this case small specimens are preferable. A small cat is easy to manage and care for. In addition, it has a life expectancy that can even reach and exceed 20 years.

Choosing a dog for older people

The first thing to do, of course, is to go to a kennel or animal shelter. On the Internet you will find many animal shelters. Some show photos and data on all the animals housed. Well, here you will find some of the best dogs there are.

Among the breeds recommended for older people, the Cocker stands out for example. It weighs between 10 and 12 kg, does not grow beyond 40 centimeters and can live from 14 to 16 years. This dog loves to play, is nice, sensitive and sweet. He has a very sociable character, willing to obey and share every moment with his family.

The chihuahua

A breed famous for its small size: it weighs no more than 2 kg, it measures between 12 and 22 cm. His life expectancy? Very long, from 15 to 18 years of age. From a character point of view, the Chihuahua is a very active and full of energy dog. He loves going out, running, playing with children. In short, it is not a living room model.

He is also very jealous of his owners and a good watchdog. Precisely for these reasons it is an excellent companion animal for those who live in the city. It takes up little space, is docile and allows you to spend days and afternoons in joy, running around the city and in many different ways.

Animals are good for the health of the elderly

Here are the best pets for older people

If your grandmother or elderly uncle is ready and suitable to accept a pet in the house, know that the benefits for their health will be manifold. Here are the most important ones:

  • Increased well-being and greater vitality.
  • Excellent remedy for loneliness.
  • Greater sociability with others.
  • Improved blood pressure, decreased anxiety and depression.
  • Good mood. Having an animal in the house produces joy and gives fun experiences.
  • Faster recovery from minor diseases.
  • Breaking the monotony, with new things to do and chores to attend to on a daily basis.

In short, getting an elderly person to adopt a cat or a dog, of appropriate age and cuts, is the best gift you can give them.

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