Here Are The Different Types Of Muzzle For Dogs

Here are the different types of dog muzzle

For safety or by law there are some dogs that sometimes have to wear a muzzle. Fortunately, it is an accessory that many animals use few times in their life.

Are there any uncomfortable or harmful muzzles for dogs? To clarify all your doubts, today we will make you a list of the types of muzzle.

Use a muzzle

There are some dogs that have to wear a muzzle every day but, fortunately, most of the canine population wears it on a few occasions. Dogs classified as “potentially dangerous”, by law must go out on the street with a muzzle. As a precaution, even aggressive ones must wear it, at least until they solve their problems.

The muzzle is an object that dogs do not like to wear. As with the collar and leash,  any dog ​​must learn to carry it before going for a walk. If he fails, he may fear it, become insecure, or associate the object with a negative thing.

dog with white muzzle in the meadow

Author: Bev Sykes

Canvas muzzle

This type of tube-shaped muzzle  is made of cloth, and covers the dog’s muzzle, leaving the nose uncovered. It hooks behind the ears, is very easily found in pet shops and is very cheap. Although it wears and breaks easily, it is cheap to fix.

However, it is not the most suitable type of muzzle for a dog. Since it completely envelops the animal’s face, it cannot open its mouth to breathe. Dogs regulate their body temperature through their tongues,  so wheezing is important to them, especially in the summer.

Basket muzzle

This type of muzzle is composed  of a rigid plastic or metal structure that wraps around the dog’s muzzle, but does not touch it. It hooks behind the ears and comes in many colors and shapes, but it is simply a plastic basket.

With this,  the animal is able to open its mouth to breathe.

Few models have an opening in the front for the dog to stick their tongue out, which is very common if you are training them to overcome fears or aggressive behavior.

Some owners  cut the front of the muzzle so that the animal can receive rewards and smell better. If you do, be  sure to remove any sharp rods that could injure him.


It is a model based on the basket model, but with a wider grid. In addition, under the head it has a cloth band that prevents the dog from taking off its muzzle, it  passes over the forehead and the animal is able to open its mouth and smell the environment that surrounds it.

Its name derives from the brand that put it on the market for the first time. It is expensive compared to the rest of the muzzles, but it is the one that best suits the needs of the animal. It is the most used during training.


They are called that because of the brand that started selling them. Halti collars are not muzzles, they  are similar to halters: bands of cloth that are placed around the dog’s head. We can say that they are similar to the reins that are used for donkeys and horses.

In fact,  it is not a muzzle because it does not prevent the dog from biting. It is sold as an anti-pull collar, but it does not brake the animal if it pulls. On the contrary,  its use causes severe pain in the neck, cervical, head and back.

For brachycephalic dogs

There are dogs that have to wear a muzzle, but the shape of their muzzle prevents them from wearing a normal one. These are dogs with flat noses, such as Bulldogs, Pugs or Boxers. There are muzzles made especially for them, usually variations of the basket ones. They are wider and shorter than normal ones.

Never use cloth muzzles or muzzles that prevent these types of dogs from opening their mouths,  as they have breathing problems and may choke.

Other types

There are several types of dog muzzles on the market. Those that are found are variants of those of cloth or basket,  shaped like a duck’s beak, or created to intimidate strangers, or made of leather and with metal spikes or bolts, for example.

Dalmatian with black muzzle

Author: Maja Dumat

If your dog has to wear a muzzle, let him know it’s not a punishment. Make him do funny things when he brings it, so that he doesn’t associate it with anything negative. If he is aggressive on the street, contact a trainer to help him overcome this problem. It is uncomfortable to wear a muzzle, so the fewer dogs the better.

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