Homemade Remedies Against Flea Bites

Homemade remedies for flea bites

Some people are more prone to flea bites than others. Furthermore, these parasites don’t only appear if you have pets in the house. If you are afraid that they will sting you and that your wounds will become infected, read this article, where we will tell you about some home remedies to treat this problem.

Why do fleas sting us?

Fleas are small parasites that feed on the blood of mammals,  especially that of dogs and cats. But they can also sting people. As with mosquitoes, some individuals are more vulnerable to bites (due to their smell, the clothes they wear, their blood, etc).

dog with owner in the woods

Usually, they sting us in the feet and legs,  that is, at the points closest to the ground. Although fleas can jump a few inches away, they can’t get any further than the knee. If you sit or lie down, they may sting you in other areas of the body as well.

Remedies for flea bites

The first step is to wash the affected area with warm water and neutral soap. Afterwards, dry it lightly with a cloth. It is essential to cover the wound to prevent it from being scratched, as it could become infected. These are some of the most effective homemade recipes for treating bites:

1. Tea.

You can use any variety of tea you have at home (black, green, etc). It’s very simple. Boil some water and then put it in a cup together with the sachet. Wait a few minutes until it cools down.

Soak a cloth in the tea and gently apply it to the wound. Then cover it with gauze. Repeat the treatment several times a day.

2. Basil ointment

Basil not only serves to add flavor to food, but also to soothe the irritation and itching produced by flea bites. Wash a couple of basil leaves and crush them with water. Form a compound and apply it over the wound. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then cover it with gauze.

3. Aloe vera

You cannot fail to have an aloe plant at home. It is useful for all types of wounds and skin infections, including flea bites. Aloe vera is a natural healing agent that will calm the burn in minutes. Moreover, it is very easy to use. You have to cut a stem or a leaf horizontally (pay attention to the thorns) and take the gel that comes out.

Apply it over the affected area and, once the skin has absorbed the liquid, you will experience an indescribable calm. You can repeat the treatment several times a day.

4. Coconut ointment

This rich tropical fruit is used to deflate flea wounds. For this purpose, you have to use the pulp. Pour it into the blender with a little water. Mix well until it becomes a kind of cream. Apply it on the affected area and wrap it with a cloth for an hour. Then, dry it. Repeat the treatment twice a day.

dog with harness scratching himself in the street

5. Packs with oats

Rolled oats are useful if we have bites, rashes or irritations. If fleas have stung your feet, you can put one or two tablespoons of this cereal in a bowl with warm water for 15 minutes. In the event that the wound is on the back, perform the treatment in the bathtub. The process is similar, although you will need more oats.

6. Honey

It is the antiseptic remedy par excellence,  and which can be used or consumed topically. Then, apply it over the irritation and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

7. Sodium bicarbonate

In a bowl, pour a tablespoon of baking soda and one of water. Mix well and then put the mixture on the wound. Wait 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. The irritation will subside immediately.

Main image source: Alex Ortiz de Guinea

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