How Does A Dog Show He Is Okay?

How does a dog show that he is okay?

Even though they don’t speak our language,  dogs have the ability to express their feelings and emotions  in various ways. Do you want to know if your furry friend is happy? Then keep reading this article in which we will tell you how dogs prove to be healthy.

The signs that a dog is doing well

As a dog owner, you are sure to care about your pet’s happiness and well-being. To understand this,  you have to pay attention to certain daily gestures or behaviors. If your dog does some of these things, it is because everything is fine.

1. Always wants to play with you

Neither the time nor his age matter. If you show him a balloon or a tree branch, he will wiggle his tail waiting for you to make the next move. This happiness that is often excessive is related to his state of mind. You can play with your 4-legged friend for 5 minutes a day and make him the happiest dog in the world.

2. Never loses his appetite

Dogs have many characteristics in common with humans. One of these is appetite. When they eat voraciously it is because they are healthy and happy and feel comfortable. Conversely, if a dog leaves food in the bowl, or sniffs it and then turns away, or doesn’t eat for a few days, you should take him to the vet.

3. His eyes are relaxed

How to realize this? It’s very simple. She blinks gently,  her gaze is relaxed and her pupils move slowly. If, on the other hand, he has narrowed eyes and a penetrating gaze, it means that he is restless or aggressive.

Another way to identify a dog’s good mood is through the mouth. It must be closed or ajar, as if smiling. And don’t forget to observe his ears: they must not be raised.

4. Wags his tail

This is their way of expressing happiness par excellence. A dog that is comfortable moves its tail from side to side,  and this movement expands throughout the body. If its tail is tense and it is the only part that moves, it means that it is in a state of alert.

5. He sleeps all the time

Normally an adult dog sleeps about 16 hours a day (puppies even 20), of which 10 during the night. But he has no problem waking up to eat, play, and go for walks. Observe the expressions he makes while he sleeps, as if he seems sad to you, it could mean that he is cold, that he is uncomfortable in that position, etc.

6. He gets on his stomach

When an animal gets into this position, it is because it wants you to scratch its belly. This means that he trusts you, that he likes to be pampered and that he is very happy. Being a sign of vulnerability within a herd, it is also associated with trust in others.

7. Skip

In addition to wagging their tails, dogs have another way to express their happiness: they jump. They do it according to their age, their weight, etc, but  even if only for a few centimeters in height, they will show you their contentment and their desire to play.

8. Always wants to be by your side

Have you ever stopped to think why your dog even follows you to the bathroom? Because he loves your company! To them we are the leaders of the pack, and they will not abandon us for any reason in the world. Therefore, if your furry friend does not move away from you for even a minute, it is because he loves being together with his master.

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