How To Bathe A Hairless Cat

How to bathe a hairless cat

If you have a hairless cat and you think that, for this reason, you will not have to wash it, well you are very wrong. The fact is that these domestic cat breeds have very sensitive skin, and therefore require special and frequent care. That’s why today we are going to tell you how to bathe a hairless cat correctly and without errors.

Tips for bathing a hairless cat

Kittens are specialists when it comes to grooming, even if they are completely  hairless . But you should know that so-called “hairless cats” – although most breeds have an almost imperceptible coat of hair – tend to sweat more and accumulate more grease and dirt.

It is therefore advisable that if you have one of these felines at home, you have the constancy to bathe it every 20 or 30 days. Therefore, it is necessary to get him used to this routine from when he is still a puppy.

In any case, consult your vet to find out about the right products for bathing a hairless cat. And also to let you explain some techniques to convince your friend to accept this treatment, periodically.

a hairless cat walks on the edge of the bathtub

Recommendations for bathing a hairless cat

The technique for washing a hairless cat does not differ much from that used with an ordinary kitten. However, special emphasis should be placed on cleaning certain areas of the body that tend to accumulate more dirt. Therefore, before placing it in the basin or bathing it chosen to bathe it, it is advisable to thoroughly clean its eyes, nails and ears.

These cat breeds usually don’t have eyelashes. For this reason, the tear fluid is more abundant. This prevents pathogens from causing them any ocular disease. It is advisable to clean the eye area weekly with a clean cloth soaked in physiological solution, then remove any residue, dirt and cisps.

Also, keep in mind that these kittens, in general, have larger ears than the rest of the cats. It is therefore ideal to use some special drops, indicated by the vet, to remove the wax more effectively.

Wash a hairless cat in 6 steps

With the kitty’s eyes, nails and ears already clean, it’s time to get to the actual washing. Use a  container that is comfortable and in which the animal feels safe and stable. Remember that the water must have an adequate temperature , so that the animal does not feel cold or risk getting burned. Her sensitive skin could be damaged. Here’s how to wash it properly:

  1. Slowly wet the whole body, but avoiding the head.
  2. Gently lather it, paying particular attention to the legs and trunk.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with running water.
  4. Now wash your head too, but without wetting your nose or eyes.
  5. Lift it gently and move it out of the tub, placing it on a cloth.
  6. Dry it with a soft towel, carefully rubbing the whole body.

a cat with a bathrobe and blue eyes

Why should a hairless cat be bathed?

Keep in mind that if you don’t bathe your pet, a lot of dirt will begin to accumulate, creating an ideal environment for the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms. Sooner or later he will have problems and irritation on the skin. And, in addition, it will dirty the house wherever it goes.

Keep in mind that dirty cats start to feel sad and discouraged. So, for his physical and psychological health , never neglect the body hygiene of your four-legged friend.

The idea is that even if your pet can’t stand being washed, you still need to  insist on using rewards so that he can associate bathing with something positive. In the meantime, do not stop using other options, such as the aforementioned  wet wipes, designed specifically for cats.

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